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ABORT_SIGNAL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
abortOnRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Aborts the current execution if an abort signal was received.
abortOnRequest(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Aborts the current execution if an abort signal was received.
AbstractNotifBaseRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Abstract class from which all Notification Payloads inherit.
AbstractNotifBaseRequest(String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Creates an instance of the payload.
AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
Base class for partial deployment plugins.
AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
AbstractPluginProvider - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
Abstract PluginProvider base class which provides a number of convenience methods for plugin operation implementations.
AbstractPluginProvider() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
AbstractPropertyReplacement - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
Abstract implementation for replacing properties with their defined value from the PropertyReplacementContext.
AbstractPropertyReplacement(PropertyReplacementContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.AbstractPropertyReplacement
accept(String) - Method in class
Sets media type that will be used for builder.
accept(MediaType) - Method in class
Sets media type that will be used for builder.
accept(File, String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.ExtensionFileFilter
AccountInstancePojo - Class in
AccountInstancePojo() - Constructor for class
Adapter1 - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
Adapter1() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.Adapter1
Adapter1 - Class in flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
Adapter1() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.Adapter1
addAdditionalField(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Adds an additional key/value item below the message header.
addAdditionalField(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Adds an additional key/value item below the message header.
addAdditionalHTML(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
Add any custom html to the end of the message
addAttachment(Serializable, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Adds an email attachment with the given name for any Serlizable type data to the Template
addAttachment(Serializable) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Adds an email attachment with a generated name for any Serlizable type data to the Template
addAttachment(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Adds an email attachment with the given name and content type for any Serlizable type data to the Template
addAttachment(byte[], String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Adds an email attachment with the given name and content type for byte array type data to the Template.
addAttribute(String, Serializable) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
addBooleanCurrentInstanceProperty(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addBooleanInput(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addBooleanInstanceProperty(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addBooleanProjectProperty(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addButton(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Adds a button to the slack message, each button will show up in a button row between the header and key/value details
addDays(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
addDoubleCurrentInstanceProperty(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addDoubleInput(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addDoubleInstanceProperty(String, String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addDoubleProjectProperty(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addEnvironment(List<EnvironmentKeyValue>) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Adds a list of environment variable for the external process.
addEnvironment(String, String, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Adds an environment variable for the external process.
addFilesToPackage(Long, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Adds files to a given package.
addFolderToHierarchy(NotifFolder) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Adds a folder to the linked list representing the hierarchy.
addFormParameter(String, String) - Method in class
addHeader(String, Object) - Method in class
Adds one header to mHeaders that will be used for builder.
addHours(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
addInstanceProperty(String, String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, boolean, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
addIntegerCurrentInstanceProperty(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addIntegerInput(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addIntegerInstanceProperty(String, String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addIntegerProjectProperty(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addLogChange(LogChange) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
addMinutes(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
addMonths(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
addOverrideCode(int) - Method in class
Adds an override code to mOverrideCodes that are used for the builder.
addOverrideCodes(Set<Integer>) - Method in class
Adds all override codes to mOverrideCodes that are used for the builder.
addPackageObject(PackageObject, DeployStatusEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
addProjectRequest(StepProjectRequestPojo) - Method in class
addProjectsToRelease(String, List<ReleaseProjectsPojo>) - Method in class
Add FlexDeploy projects to a given release.
addProperty(String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, boolean, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
addProperty(String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
addProperty(String, String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
addQueryParameter(String, Object) - Method in class
Adds one query parameter to mQueryParameters.
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationTask
addRecipients() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectReviewTask
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectTask
addRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
addRecipientsByCommittersIfEligible(List<SCMSourceRevisionData>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsByGroupId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsByGroupNameIfEligible(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
This methods select active users for a group who has their attribute selected
addRecipientsByPipelineRoleMember(List<Long>, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsByPipelineRoleUserOrEmailMember(Long, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsBySubscriptions(Long, String, List<Long>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsByUserNameIfEligible(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsForPiplelineGate(Long, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRecipientsForPiplelineStepExecution(Long, OnErrorType) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
addRequestExecution(StepProjectExecution) - Method in class
addSecureLogValues(String) - Method in class
addStringCurrentInstanceProperty(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addStringInput(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addStringInstanceProperty(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addStringProjectProperty(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
addTableRow(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
Adds a table row entry to this message
addToDoNotPrintKeys(String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets a specific environment variable not to print to the logs during execution.
addValue(Date, FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
add value using GregorianCalendar.
addWeeks(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
addWorkflowRequest(WorkflowRequestPojo) - Method in class
addYears(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
append(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexFilePath
appendPluginExecutionLog(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
ApplicationPojo - Class in
ApplicationPojo() - Constructor for class
applyConfiguredFlexfieldValues(List<Flexfield>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
applyConfiguredInputValues(List<Input>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
approveTask(String, String, String, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
approveTask(String, String, String) - Method in class
Approve a FlexDeploy Task.
approveTaskByEmails(Set<String>, String, String, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
areEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Safe comparison.
areEqual(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Safe comparison of Object Arrays
areNotEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Safe not equal comparison.
ARTIFACTS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
asFile() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexFilePath
AttributeDataTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
avgResponseTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
AzureFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from an Azure Git payload
AzureFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class


BASE_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
BaseFunctions - Class in
BaseFunctions(boolean) - Constructor for class
Standard Function constructor
BaseFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
Allows functions class access to the mFLOG variable so the internal java code can log to the same output as the log calls in the user groovy script
BasePluginExecutionContext - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
BasePluginExecutionContext() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
BasePluginExecutionContext(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
basicauth(String, String) - Method in class
Creates a universal-mode Jersey 2.x HttpAuthenticationFeature for use in the getWebTarget method.
basicauth(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Creates a PreEmptive Basic OR universal-mode Jersey 2.x HttpAuthenticationFeature for use in the getWebTarget method.
bearerToken(String) - Method in class
Sets Authorization using Bearer token.
BEGIN_TOKEN - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
BitbucketFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from a Bitbucket payload
BitbucketFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
BitbucketServerFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from a Bitbucket Server payload
BitbucketServerFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
buildByteArrayFromStoredChunks(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
buildByteArrayFromStoredChunks(Map<Integer, String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
helper method that allows passing Map of chunks, instead of List.
BuildManifest - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
BuildManifest() - Constructor for class
BuildManifestXMLUtil - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.util
BuildManifestXMLUtil() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.BuildManifestXMLUtil
buildMonitorRowKey() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
buildObject - Variable in class
BuildObject - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
BuildObject() - Constructor for class
BuildOptions - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
BuildOptions() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
buildPackage(Long, ProjectPackagePojo) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Package.
buildPackage(Long, ProjectPackagePojo, BuildOptions) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Package.
buildPackage(Long, ProjectPackagePojo, PollingResult) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Package using a PollingResult.
buildPackage(Long, ProjectPackagePojo, PollingResult, BuildOptions) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Package using a PollingResult.
buildPackages(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Packages using the given projectId and/or packageName in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildPackages(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Packages using the given projectId and/or packageName in the query parameters or finding packages to build from the payload.
buildPackages(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Packages using the given projectId and/or packageName in the query parameters or finding packages to build from the payload.
buildPackages(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Method in class
Build Packages using the given projectId and/or packageName in the query parameters or finding packages to build from the payload.
buildPackages(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Method in class
Build Packages using the given projectId and/or packageName in the query parameters or finding packages to build from the payload.
buildPackages(String, String, Boolean, PollingResult, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
buildProject(Long, Long) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Project.
buildProject(Long, Long, BuildOptions) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Project.
buildProject(Long, Long, PollingResult) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Project using a PollingResult.
buildProject(Long, Long, PollingResult, BuildOptions) - Method in class
Builds a FlexDeploy Project using a PollingResult.
BuildProjectRequestPojo - Class in
BuildProjectRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
buildProjects(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Projects using the given projectId in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildProjects(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Projects using the given projectId in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildProjects(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class
Build Projects using the given projectId in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildProjects(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Method in class
Build Projects using the given projectId in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildProjects(Object, Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Method in class
Build Projects using the given projectId in the query parameters or finding projects to build from the payload.
buildProjects(String, String, Boolean, PollingResult, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
buildStringFromChunks(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Rebuild String from chunks.
buildStringFromChunks(Map<Integer, String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
helper method that allows passing Map of chunks, instead of List.


calculateDirectoryHash(File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
This is not common but during build all files in a folder are used to calculate hash of entire folder.
calculateDirectoryHash(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Calculate directory hash by considering all files in the folder.
calculateFileHash(File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
This is most commonly used during build as most partial deployment project work with individual files.
calculateFileHash(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Calculates hash based on file content.
calculateHash(ProjectObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
If isMetaDataOnlyProjectObject then we do not have enough details to calculate hash, so just use System.currentTimeMillis in this case.
call() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
CCUCM_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_LABEL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_PROJECT_VOB - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_STREAM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CCUCM_VOB_PATHS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
ChangeActionTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.ffi.scm.enums
GIT M modified - File has been modified (Modified) C copy-edit - File has been copied and modified (Modified) R rename-edit - File has been renamed and modified (Modified) A added - File has been added (Add) D deleted - File has been deleted (Delete) U unmerged - File has conflicts after a merge (Modified)
ChangeManagementSystem - Class in flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api
Abstract class for FlexDeploy integration with any third-party Change Management System.
ChangeManagementSystem() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
ChangeManagementSystem.CMSObjectType - Enum in flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api
CMS Object Type Any object which is used to govern approval must be set as TICKET.
ChangeManagementSystemService - Class in flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service
This object has Application Module, so it should never be cached.
checkChangeRequestsFromUserInputOnDeploy(Long, String, Boolean, List<CMSObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
checkConnection() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Check connection using details provided in getProperties().
checkFileInSource(String, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
checkFolder(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
chmod(File, String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.UnixCommands
chown(File, String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.UnixCommands
cleanArtifactsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanInternalDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanObjectResultsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanReportsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanTempDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanTestResultsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanTransferDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
cleanup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Can be overridden by the concrete subclass to perform an necessary cleanup of resources (e.g.
cleanup() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProvider
This method is invoked at the end of the plugin lifecycle to allow implementations to cleanup after themselves (e.g.
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanWorkingDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
This cleans all the directories inside the Working directory as well.
clearAdditionalFields() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Clears all additional fields that have been added to the message
clearOverrideCodes() - Method in class
Removes all override codes to mOverride codes that are used for the builder.
clearTableRows() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
Clears all table row data
clearUpdates() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
clone() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
clone() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
close(Closeable) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeJDBCResource(Connection) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeJDBCResource(Statement) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeJDBCResource(PreparedStatement) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeJDBCResource(ResultSet) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
closeOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
CMSInstancePojo - Class in
CMSInstancePojo() - Constructor for class
CMSObject - Interface in flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api
CMS Request API
Code - Variable in class
Code - Variable in class
combineByDot(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Matching toString for toList.
combineBySpace(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
COMMITDATE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJOComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.ReflectionComparator
compareTo(PipelineStageExecutionPojo) - Method in class
CompleteApprovalGatePOJO - Class in
V1 Rest Api Pojo
CompleteApprovalGatePOJO() - Constructor for class
CompleteApprovalGatePojoV0 - Class in
CompleteApprovalGatePojoV0() - Constructor for class
CompleteExternalGatePOJO - Class in
V1 Rest Api Pojo
CompleteExternalGatePOJO() - Constructor for class
CompleteExternalGatePojoV0 - Class in
CompleteExternalGatePojoV0() - Constructor for class
CompleteGateResponse - Class in
CompleteGateResponse() - Constructor for class
concatenatePaths(String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.utils.FlexConcatPaths
Container() - Constructor for class
Container(Boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ContainerConfiguration - Class in
ContainerConfiguration() - Constructor for class
ContextObjectPropertyUtil - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
A utility class to retrieve FlexDeploy properties as objects of their defined type from the WorkflowExecutionContext.
ContextObjectPropertyUtil(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Creates this utility for the give execution context.
ContextPropertyUtil - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
A utility class to retrieve FlexDeploy properties as Strings from the WorkflowExecutionContext.
ContextPropertyUtil(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
Creates this utility for the give execution context.
convertByteArrayToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
convertGlobToRegEx(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
convertReleaseProjectWrapperToExecutionData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
cookie(String, String) - Method in class
copyDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Contents of SrcDir are copied to DestDir.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Copy file.
CoreCreateRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
CoreCreateRequest() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
countCharaters(String, char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
counts occurrence of spcific character in input String.
createBuildManifest() - Method in class
Create an instance of BuildManifest
createBuildObject() - Method in class
Create an instance of BuildObject
createChecksum(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.MD5Checksum
createCopy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
createDeployObject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DeployObject
createDeployResults() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DeployResults
createEmailAttachmentsUsingPluginExeuctionLogs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Take logs associated with an instance, if more than one, zip them.
createFormData(List<FormDataBodyPart>) - Static method in class
Creates form data entity based on given list of FormDataBodyPart.
createFormData(FormDataBodyPart) - Static method in class
Creates a form data entity and adds the FormDataBodyPart.
createFormData(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
createFormDataWithInputStream(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class
createIncident(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Creates a CMS Incident with the given fields.
createIncident(Long, Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
This method is only called from Events.
createIncident(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
Will create an Incident using the map which with all the fields and it's values.
createInitialiedList(int, Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Create list of specified size with each element initialized.
createInstance(Class) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
createInstance(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
createKeyName(String, int, String) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CreateOrUpdateReleaseDefinitionPOJO - Class in
CreateOrUpdateReleaseDefinitionPOJO() - Constructor for class
createPackage(Long, String, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Creates a package for a given project and list of files.
createPackage(Long, String, String, Long, PollingResult) - Method in class
Creates a package for a given project relative to a PollingResult.
createPluginResult(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginResult
createProject(ProjectPojo) - Method in class
Creates and configures a project with the provided data.
createRelease(String, String, String) - Method in class
Create an empty FlexDeploy Release that defaults to 'Not Started' status.
createRelease(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Create an empty scheduled FlexDeploy Release that defaults to 'Not Started' status.
createSCMInstance(String, String, Boolean, String, List<PropertyValuePojo>, String) - Method in class
Creates and configures an SCM Instance with the provided data.
createSCMInstance(SCMInstancePojo) - Method in class
Creates and configures an SCM instance with the given data.
createSnapshot(Long) - Method in class
Create a Snapshot for a given Release.
createStream(Long, String, String) - Method in class
Create a FlexDeploy Stream on a given project.
createStream(Long, ProjectStreamPojo) - Method in class
Create a FlexDeploy Stream on a given project.
createStream(Long, String) - Method in class
Create a FlexDeploy Stream on a given project.
createTestCase() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of TestCase
createTestResults() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of TestResults
createTicket(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Creates a CMS Ticket with the given fields.
createTicket() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
createTicketOnDeploy(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
CREDENTIAL_PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
currentUtilDate() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
currentXMLGregorianCalendar() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
CVS_BRANCH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CVS_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CVS_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CVS_MODULES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CVS_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
CVS_TAG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants


DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
dateToString(XMLGregorianCalendar, String, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
dateToString(Date, String, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
Date to string conversion must use Timezone.
decrypt(String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.Encryption
returns cleartext value, supply result of encrypt method to get original string back.
decryptIntegrationInstance(List<PropertyValuePojo>, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
delete() - Method in class
delete(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Delete file or directory represented by supplied file object
deleteDirectory(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Delete directory including all of it's contents.
deleteFile(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Delete file
deleteFileSafely(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Delete file, ignoring if delete fails
deletePackage(Long, String) - Method in class
Deletes a project package
deleteSerializedFile(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
DeployObject - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
Java class for anonymous complex type.
DeployObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
deployObject - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
DeployObjectResult - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
DeployObjectResult() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
DeployProjectRequestPojo - Class in
DeployProjectRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
DeployResult - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
DeployResult() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
DeployResults - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
Java class for anonymous complex type.
DeployResults() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
DeployResultsXMLUtil - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.util
DeployResultsXMLUtil() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.DeployResultsXMLUtil
DeployStatusEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
deriveAttributes(Class) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
deserialize(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
deserializeEncrypted(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
destroyProcess() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Destroys the external process after use, freeing up its resources.
diff(Date, Date, TimeUnit) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
Difference in specified TimeUnit.
DOCKER_HUB_URL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
DockerStream - Class in
DockerStream() - Constructor for class
DockerStream.Container - Class in
DockerStream.ImageScan - Class in
dos2unix(File) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.UnixCommands
doSimpleGet(String, String, String) - Method in class
downloadExecutionDataToCSV() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
downloadLogs(Long, String) - Method in class
Downloads the plugin logs from the workflow execution based on Id.
downloadSnapshotCommitDetails(Long, String) - Method in class
Gets the commit details of a snapshot and downloads a csv file to the destination path.
duration - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase


EFFECTIVE_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
EmailFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to send emails
EmailFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
EMPTY_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
encrypt(String) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.Encryption
returns encrypted base64 value.
Encryption - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
Encryption(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.Encryption
END_TOKEN - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
EndPointPojo - Class in
This class was created for EndPoint related REST API calls.
EndPointPojo() - Constructor for class
endRelease(String) - Method in class
End a FlexDeploy Release.
endRelease(Long) - Method in class
End a FlexDeploy Release.
endTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
endTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
endTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
ensureDirectory(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
EnvInstEndPointPojo - Class in
This class stores an endpoint id and a list of resource type ids for an environment instance
EnvInstEndPointPojo() - Constructor for class
Environment - Class in flexagon.fd.core
Represents a FlexDeploy environment, which contains a name, code, and generated id.
Environment(Long, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Creates an Environment with the given id, code, and name.
EnvironmentInstancePojo - Class in
This class is used for EnvironmentInstance related REST API calls
EnvironmentInstancePojo() - Constructor for class
EnvironmentKeyValue - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
Represents an environment variable which can be made available to an external operating system process (e.g.
EnvironmentKeyValue(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.EnvironmentKeyValue
Creates an environment variable for an external process
EnvironmentPojo - Class in
This is the Pojo class for Enivronments in the REST API.
EnvironmentPojo() - Constructor for class
EnvironmentPojo(Integer, Long, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, List<Long>) - Constructor for class
Creates an Environment using the given sort number, ID, Name, Code, Descritption, IsActive Boolean, build environment Boolean and instances
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Returns whether the given environment is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Returns whether the given instance is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns whether the given project is equal to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
equals(Object) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.ReflectionComparator
evaluateDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
EXCEPTION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
execute() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
execute() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Must be implemented by the concrete subclass to perform the execution of the plugin operation.
execute() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
execute() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProvider
This method is invoked to perform the plugin operation's implementation.
execute() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
execute() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Executes the external process
execute() - Method in class
executeFile(PackageObject, File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
Subclass can implement processing of each individual package object.
ExecuteOptions - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
This class is being used in FlexDeployFunctions to pass Utility or Deploy Instance Codes, Workflow Inputs, and FlexFields to create a workflow request.
ExecuteOptions() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
ExecuteOptions(List<String>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
ExecuteOptions(List<String>, List<WFInput>, List<Flexfield>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
executeUtility(Long, String) - Method in class
Executes a FlexDeploy Utility Project for a single environment on all instances configured in Project Configuration.
executeUtility(Long, String, ExecuteOptions) - Method in class
Executes a FlexDeploy Utility Project for a single environment with specified ExecuteOptions.
EXECUTION_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
ExecutionContextConstants - Class in flexagon.fd.core
A collection of constants used to extract information from the WorkflowExecutionContext.
executionCount - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
ExtensionFileFilter - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
ExtensionFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.ExtensionFileFilter
ExternalPluginServer - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
ExternalPluginServer(String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
ExternalPluginServerWorker - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
ExternalPluginServerWorker(String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
ExternalProcess - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
Represents an external operating system process (e.g.
ExternalProcess() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Creates an external process
ExternalProcess(File) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Creates an external process
ExternalProcess(File, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Creates an external process
extractArtifactZip() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider


FAILURE_COLOR - Static variable in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
FD_ALL_FILES_REQUESTED - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_AOL_TYPES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_APPLICATION_ID - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_BASE_WORKING_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_BUILT_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_CMS_TICKETS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_DEPLOYED_DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_DEPLOYED_K8S_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_DEPLOYED_K8S_DEPLOYMENT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_DEPLOYED_K8S_SERVICE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ENDPOINT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ENDPOINT_RESOURCE_TYPES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ENVIRONMENT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_HELM_VALUE_PREFIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_INSTANCE_CODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_INTERNAL_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_IS_FORCE_DEPLOY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_IS_PARTIAL_DEPLOY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_ISOLATED_NW_SOURCE_SERVER_SYS_PROP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_ISOLATED_NW_TARGET_SERVER_SYS_PROP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_ITS_TICKETS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_AB_MANIFEST_NAMES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_BLUE_GREEN_MANIFEST_NAMES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_CANARY_MANIFEST_NAMES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_CHART_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_DEPLOYMENT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_FINISH_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_MANIFEST_NAMES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_NEW_WEIGHT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_OLD_WEIGHT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_RELEASE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_KN_ROUTE_RULE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_OBJECT_RESULTS_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_STATUS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_TEST_LEVEL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_TESTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PACKAGE_VERSION_SYNTAX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PARTIAL_FILE_EXCLUDES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_PARTIAL_FILE_INCLUDES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_PARTIAL_SEQUENCE_FILE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_PLUGIN - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PLUGIN_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PLUGIN_OPERATION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PLUGIN_VERSION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_ADDL_PARAMS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_BUILD - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_DEPLOY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_PORTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_PUSH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_REGISTRY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_SCAN_FAIL_CONDITION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_SCAN_IMAGE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_SCAN_POLICY_BUNDLE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_TAG_LATEST - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKER_VOLUMES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_DOCKERFILE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_FULL_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_ID - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_PROJECT_VERSION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_RELEASE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_RELEASE_SNAPSHOT_DUPLICATE_FILES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_RELEASE_SNAPSHOT_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_REPORTS_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_RESULT_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SEQ_GEN_OFFSET_SYS_PROP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_SEQ_GEN_TARGET_SERVER_DEFAULT_OFFSET - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FD_SERVER_BASE_URL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_ENABLE_TLS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_HOST_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_HOST_PORT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_PASSWORD - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_SMTP_USER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_TEMP_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_TEST_RESULTS_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_TRANSFER_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_WF_USER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_WF_USER_EMAIL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_ID - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_WORKFLOW_REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FD_WORKING_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_CCUCM_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_CVS_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_FILE_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_GIT_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_INSTANCE_CODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_IS_MAIN_STREAM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_IS_MAIN_STREAM_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_OIC_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_PACKAGE_VERSION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_PERF_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_PROJECT_VERSION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_PVCS_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SCM_SOURCE1_CHANGES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SCM_SOURCE1_CHANGES_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SCM_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SCM_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SCM_TYPE_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE1 - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE1_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE2 - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE2_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE3 - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE3_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_STREAM_NAME_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_SVN_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_TFVC_SOURCE_BASE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_TICKETS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_VERSION_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDBLD_VERSION_SEQUENCE_PASS_IN_CONTEXT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FDCR_00200_BS_PEC__REQUIRED_INPUTS_PROPERTIES_MISSING - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDCR_00350_BLD_MNFST__ERROR_MARSHALL_PKG_OBJECT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDCR_00351_BLD_MNFST__ERROR_UNMARSHALL_PKG_OBJECT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDCR_00400_DEPLOY_RES__ERROR_MARSHALL_DEPLOY_RES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDCR_00401_DEPLOY_RES__ERROR_UNMARSHALL_DEPLOY_RES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDCR_PROP_INST_KEY_MISSING - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FDGroup - Class in
FDGroup() - Constructor for class
FDRestUtils - Class in flexagon.fd.model.integration.util
Utility functions for invoking REST calls, which can be used in custom Groovy code for change management and issue tracking system implementations
FDRestUtils() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
FDUser - Class in
FlexDeploy User Object Pojo
FDUser() - Constructor for class
FDUserXRef - Enum in
FILE_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FILE_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FILE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FILE_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
FilePathDeploymentPOJO - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
FilePathDeploymentPOJO() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
FilePathDeploymentPOJOComparator - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
FilePathDeploymentPOJOComparator() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJOComparator
FilePropertyReplacement - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
Concrete implementation for property replacement within files.
FilePropertyReplacement(WorkflowExecutionContext, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.FilePropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given workflow execution context and file source.
FilePropertyReplacement(PropertyReplacementContext, File) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.FilePropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given PropertyReplacementContext and file name.
FilePropertyReplacement(PropertyReplacementContext, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.FilePropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given PropertyReplacementContext and file name.
finalizePackageObjects(List<PackageObject>, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
findCMSInstance(String) - Method in class
Gets a CMSInstance based on the CMS Instance Code passed.
findCMSObjectByType(String, ChangeManagementSystem.CMSObjectType) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Finds and returns a CMS Object (Ticket or Incident) with the given identifier and type.
findCMSService(String, String) - Method in class
Returns a CMS service for a particular CMS Instance by searching with Instance Name and Instance Code.
findCMSTicket(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
findEnvironment(String) - Method in class
Gets the environment with the specified Code.
findIncidentByType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Finds and returns a CMS Ticket object.
findInstance(String) - Method in class
Gets the instance with the specified Code.
findIntegrationInstance(String, String, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
findIntegrationInstance(String, String) - Method in class
Gets an integration instance based on the Id.
findLocalChangeLogs(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Finds change logs for a local ssh enabled git repository.
findLocalChangeLogs(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Finds change logs for a local ssh enabled git repository.
findLocalChangeLogs(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Finds change logs for a local git repository.
findLocalChangeLogs(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Finds change logs for a local ssh enabled git repository.
findPackagesForChange(String, String, PollingResult) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Packages for any given PollingResult.
findPackagesForChange(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Packages for a list of changed files.
findProjectId(String) - Method in class
Finds the FlexDeploy Project id for any given name
findProjectsForChange(String, String, PollingResult) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Projects for any given PollingResult and stream.
findProjectsForChange(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Projects for a list of changed files.
findProjectsForNewBranch(String) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Projects for a new branch event.
findProjectsForNewBranch(String, PollingResult) - Method in class
Finds relevant FlexDeploy Projects for a new branch event.
findReleases(String) - Method in class
Finds Releases matching the specified name.
findStreamId(Long, String) - Method in class
Finds a FlexDeploy stream id from the Stream name.
findTicketByType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Finds and returns a CMS Ticket object.
fine(String) - Method in class
Logs a message to the FlexDeploy logs with a level of FINE.
first() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
FlexAbortPluginException - Exception in flexagon.fd.core.exceptions
FlexAbortPluginException(FlexCheckedException) - Constructor for exception flexagon.fd.core.exceptions.FlexAbortPluginException
flexagon.fd.core - package flexagon.fd.core
Contains FlexDeploy core classes
flexagon.fd.core.enums - package flexagon.fd.core.enums
Contains FlexDeploy enumerated types
flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers - package flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers
flexagon.fd.core.exceptions - package flexagon.fd.core.exceptions - package
flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy - package flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo - package flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
flexagon.fd.core.partial.util - package flexagon.fd.core.partial.util
flexagon.fd.core.plugin - package flexagon.fd.core.plugin
Contains FlexDeploy plugin related classes
flexagon.fd.core.testing - package flexagon.fd.core.testing
flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb - package flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
flexagon.fd.core.utils - package flexagon.fd.core.utils
Contains FlexDeploy utility classes
flexagon.fd.core.workflow - package flexagon.fd.core.workflow
Contains FlexDeploy workflow related classes
flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api - package flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api
flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service - package flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service
flexagon.fd.model.integration.util - package flexagon.fd.model.integration.util
flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous - package flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous
flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin - package flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project - package flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release - package flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release - package - package - package - package - package
flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest - package flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions - package flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions
flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload - package flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos - package flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos - package
flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions - package flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
Contains FlexDeploy exception classes
flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess - package flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
Contains FlexDeploy classes for configuring and executing external operating system processes - package
flexagon.ff.common.core.utils - package flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos - package flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
flexagon.ffi.scm.enums - package flexagon.ffi.scm.enums
flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos - package flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos
flexagon.ffi.scm.utils - package flexagon.ffi.scm.utils
flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos - package flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos
FlexBuildArtifacts - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
Utility class to help build artifact zip file for partial deploy operations.
FlexBuildArtifacts(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
FlexCheckedException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
Base class for all FlexDeploy Checked Exceptions.
FlexCheckedException() - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Default constructor.
FlexCheckedException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given message
FlexCheckedException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given message.
FlexCheckedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given name and code.
FlexCheckedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given cause
FlexCheckedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given message an cause.
FlexCheckedException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Creates an exception with the given code, message, and cause.
FlexCommandExecutionFailedException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
FlexCommandExecutionFailedException(FlexCLIOptions) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCommandExecutionFailedException
FlexCommonUtils - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexConcatPaths - Class in flexagon.ffi.scm.utils
FlexDateTimeUtils - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
Conversion and formatting helper methods.
FlexDateTimeUtils() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent - Enum in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexDateTimeUtils.Day - Enum in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexDateTimeUtils.Month - Enum in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexDeployConstants - Class in flexagon.fd.core
FlexDeployConstants() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
FlexDeployFunctions - Class in
Functions to perform actions in FlexDeploy, like building a project or starting a release.
FlexDeployFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
FlexExternalProcessFailedException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
Exception representing the failure of an external process execution
FlexExternalProcessFailedException(int, List<String>) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessFailedException
Creates an exception representing an external process failure
FlexExternalProcessFailedException(int, List<String>, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessFailedException
FlexExternalProcessTimedoutException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
Exception representing an external process execution timeout
FlexExternalProcessTimedoutException(List<String>) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessTimedoutException
Creates an exception representing an external process timeout
FlexField - Class in
FlexField() - Constructor for class
Flexfield - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
Flexfield() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
FlexfieldTopologyFunctions - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
FlexfieldTopologyFunctions(ServiceBaseAMImpl, ExecuteScript, Long) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FlexfieldTopologyFunctions
FlexFilePath - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
Utility to concatenate different string parts to build absolute file path.
FlexFilePath(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexFilePath
FlexFilePath(File) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexFilePath
FlexFileUtils - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexInternalException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
For Internal exceptions, system level issues.
FlexInternalException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexInternalException
FlexInternalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexInternalException
FlexInvalidArgumentException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
FlexInvalidArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexInvalidArgumentException
FlexInvalidArgumentException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexInvalidArgumentException
FlexJsonUtils - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
FlexJsonUtils() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
FlexMissingArgumentException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
FlexMissingArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexMissingArgumentException
FlexNotFoundException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
FlexNotFoundException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexNotFoundException
FlexPluginProxy - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
FlexPluginProxy(String, WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexPluginProxy
FlexRemotePluginException - Exception in flexagon.fd.core.exceptions
FlexRemotePluginException(FlexCheckedException) - Constructor for exception flexagon.fd.core.exceptions.FlexRemotePluginException
FlexRESTClient - Class in
Uses Jersey 2.5.1 on server side and 2.24 for plugins.
FlexRESTClient() - Constructor for class
FlexRESTClient(String) - Constructor for class
FlexRESTClient(String, String) - Constructor for class
FlexRESTClientResponse - Class in
FlexRESTClientResponse(Response) - Constructor for class
FlexRestException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, String, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType, String, boolean) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRestException(Response.StatusType) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
FlexRESTLogin - Class in
Utility for simple get token API.
FlexRESTLogin(String) - Constructor for class
FlexRESTLogin(String, String) - Constructor for class
FlexRESTPost - Class in
Utility to get post working.
FlexRESTPost(String) - Constructor for class
FlexRESTPost(String, String) - Constructor for class
FlexRuntimeException - Exception in flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions
base class for all FF Runtime Exceptions.
FlexRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexRuntimeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexRuntimeException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
FlexSlackMessage - Class in flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos
An object representing a nicely formatted slack message.
FlexSlackMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
FlexSlackMessage() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
FlexTeamsMessage - Class in flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
An object representing a nicely formatted Teams message.
FlexTeamsMessage() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
FlexTimeWatch - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
Simple class to capture & print elapsed time details.
FlexTimeWatch(FlexLogger, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexTimeWatch
flushAndClose(OutputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
FolderOrProjectPermission - Class in
FolderOrProjectPermission() - Constructor for class
FolderOrProjectPermission(boolean) - Constructor for class
FolderOrProjectPermissionGroupDetail - Class in
FolderOrProjectPermissionGroupDetail() - Constructor for class
FolderOrProjectPermissionsSummary - Class in
Permissions for single Folder or Project.
FolderOrProjectPermissionsSummary() - Constructor for class
FolderPojo - Class in
FolderPojo() - Constructor for class
FolderRequestCreate - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
FolderRequestCreate() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
formatDateTime(Timestamp) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns date in format dd MMM, yyyy HH:mm a z
forward(String, Object) - Method in class
Forwards a FlexDeploy Event via a POST request to another url, essentially making it a webhook.
fromCalendarDay(int) - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
fromCalendarMonth(int) - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Month
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.StatusType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.StatusType


GateExecutionHolderPojo - Class in
GateExecutionHolderPojo() - Constructor for class
GateExecutionPojo - Class in
GateExecutionPojo() - Constructor for class
generateArtifactZipFile(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
Subclass can implement how to create artifact zip file.
generateHmac(Object, String, String) - Method in class
Generates an Hmac string
generateHmacSHA1(Object, String) - Method in class
Generates an Hmac string using the HmacSHA1 algorithm
generateHmacSHA256(Object, String) - Method in class
Generates an Hmac string using the HmacSHA256 algorithm
generateHmacSHA384(Object, String) - Method in class
Generates an Hmac string using the HmacSHA384 algorithm
generateHmacSHA512(Object, String) - Method in class
Generates an Hmac string using the HmacSHA512 algorithm
generateZIPArtifact(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
Utility for Partial Deployments.
get() - Method in class
getABManifests() - Method in class
getAccountCode() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the last action that was performed on this task (e.g.
getActionBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the name of the user who performed the last action on the task.
getActionBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the name of the user who performed the last action on the task.
getActionByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the full name of the user who performed the last action on the task.
getActionDetail(String) - Method in class
getActionDisplayName() - Method in class
getActionOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the timestamp of when the last action was performed on the task.
getActionOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the timestamp of when the last action was performed on this task.
getActions() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
getActionType() - Method in class
getActionType() - Method in class
getActionType() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
getActionTypeDisplayString() - Method in class
getActionTypes() - Method in class
getActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
getActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns whether this Project is active.
getActiveBuildEnvironments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns list of all active build environments
getActiveBuildWorkflowDetails() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectDetails
getActiveDeployWorkflowDetails() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectDetails
getActiveEnvironments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns list of all active environments
getActivePreDeployWorkflowDetails() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectDetails
getActiveTestWorkflowDetails() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectDetails
getActiveUtilityWorkflowDetails() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectDetails
getAddFileFilter() - Method in class
getAdditionalParams() - Method in class
getAdditionalTicketInfo(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a map containing information to add to FlexDeploy External Approvals - 'notes' entry is added to notes of External Approval
getAdditionalTicketInfo(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getAllClassFields(Class) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
get all fields (public and private) of a class including all Super classes.
getAllEnvironments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns list of all environments in topology
getAllFilesRequested() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getAllFilesRequested() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getAllFilesRequestedAsString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getAllInstanceProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the list of all FlexDeploy instance-scoped properties from the workflow execution context.
getAllInstanceProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getAllowedOptions() - Method in class
getAllProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the list of FlexDeploy properties defined within the FlexDeploy context.
getAllProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getAllPropertyKeyNames() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getAM() - Method in class
getApplication() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the linked application for this application request.
getApplicationId() - Method in class
getApplicationId() - Method in class
getApplicationName() - Method in class
getApplicationName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getApplicationRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationTask
Returns the appication request associated to this task.
getApplications() - Method in class
getApplicationVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the generated version for this request.
getApplicationWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the type name of the request (i.e.
getApplicationWorkflowTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the display name of the request type (i.e.
getApplicationWorkflowTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the type enum of the request (i.e.
getApprovalComments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns any approval comments for this application request as a list of strings.
getApprovalComments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns any approval comments for this project workflow request as a list of strings.
getApprovalGateRoleByGateId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getApprovalTaskUrlPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Returns the URI of the approval tasks page.
getArtifactsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getArtifactsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the artifacts directory of the target endpoint, which is used to store artifacts produced or consumed by plugin operations.
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationTask
getAttachments() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
Returns a list of email attachments pertaining to the event which has occurred.
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectReviewTask
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectTask
Returns the list of all available email attachments for this task.
getAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the list of all available email attachments for this request.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttribute1() - Method in class
getAttribute1() - Method in class
getAttribute1() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the optional Attribute1 value configured for the stream.
getAttribute10() - Method in class
getAttribute2() - Method in class
getAttribute2() - Method in class
getAttribute2() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the optional Attribute2 value configured for the stream.
getAttribute3() - Method in class
getAttribute3() - Method in class
getAttribute3() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the optional Attribute3 value configured for the stream.
getAttribute4() - Method in class
getAttribute5() - Method in class
getAttribute6() - Method in class
getAttribute7() - Method in class
getAttribute8() - Method in class
getAttribute9() - Method in class
getAttributeAsBoolean(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttributeAsDouble(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttributeAsInteger(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttributeAsString(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttributes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getAttributes() - Method in class
getAuthor() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
getAvgResponseTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the avgResponseTime property.
getBaseDirectory() - Method in class
getBaseInstallDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
The base install directory is the directory defined by the "Base Working Directory" on the target endpoint.
getBaseWorkingDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the base working directory of the target endpoint.
getBiggestSequenceNum() - Method in class
getBlueGreenManifests() - Method in class
getBooleanCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Boolean for the given property name within the current instance.
getBooleanCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Boolean for the given property name within the current instance.
getBooleanCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Boolean.
getBooleanInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
inputs are always expected to be filled in, so default anyway here.
getBooleanInputOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Boolean.
getBooleanInputOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
if input not provided, which most likely won't happen then use default.
getBooleanInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Boolean for the given instance code and property name.
getBooleanInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Boolean for the given instance code and property name.
getBooleanInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Boolean for the given name.
getBooleanProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Boolean for the given name.
getBooleanProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a CMS instance property with the given code as a Boolean
getBuildEnvironmentCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
getBuildEnvironmentCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getBuildEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getBuildEnvironmentId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
getBuildEnvironmentId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getBuildEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getBuildEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getBuildEnvironmentIdAndCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
getBuildEnvironmentName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getBuildEnvironments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns list of all build environments
getBuildInfo() - Method in class
getBuildInstance() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
getBuildObject() - Method in class
Gets the value of the buildObject property.
getBuildSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getCanaryManifests() - Method in class
getChangeFile() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
getChangeLogs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the SCM change logs for this project workflow request.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from an Azure Git payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from an Azure Git payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Bitbucket payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Bitbucket payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Bitbucket Server payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Bitbucket Server payload.
getChangeLogs(Object) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Github payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Github payload.
getChangeLogs(Object) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Gitlab payload.
getChangeLogs(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Finds FlexDeploy change logs from a Gitlab payload.
getChangeLogsFromSnapshot(NotifSnapshot) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
getChangeManagementSystemId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getChangeManagementSystemName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Retrieves the name of the change management system
getChangeTicket() - Method in class
getChangeTicket() - Method in class
getChangeTickets() - Method in class
getChannel() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getChannelName() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
getChart() - Method in class
getChatName() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.UserMessageRequestPojo
getClient() - Method in class
Returns a FlexRESTClient object which can be configured to make REST calls.
getCMSInstance(Long) - Method in class
Gets a CMSInstance based on the CMS Instance Id passed.
getCMSService(Long) - Method in class
Returns a CMS service for a particular CMS Instance.
getCmsSystemId() - Method in class
getCMSTicketList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Returns this environment's code name
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Returns this instance's code name
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns the code of the environment.
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns the code of the FlexField.
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the code of the Input.
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the code of the Instance.
getCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the code of the release property.
getCode() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Returns the exception code.
getCode() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
getColor() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.TestRunStatus
getColor() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
getColumnName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getCommands() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the list of commands to execute for this external process.
getCommitDate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getCommitDate() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getCommitDate() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
getCommitMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getCommitMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifScmLog
Returns the commit message of the package file.
getCommittedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifScmLog
Returns the committed user name of the package file.
getCommittedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifScmLog
Returns the committed time of the package file.
getCommitter() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getCommitterEmail() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getCommitUser() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getComponentTemplates() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
getConnectionType() - Method in class
getContainer() - Method in class
getContainerConfiguration() - Method in class
getContainerName() - Method in class
getContentDispositionFileName(String) - Method in class
Returns filename found in content disposition or fallback name if not found
getContentType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
The content type of the report file
getContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
getCookies() - Method in class
getCoreCreateRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getCoreCreateRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the name of the user that submitted this request.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the name of the user that submitted this request.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the user who created the project version.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the user who created the release.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the user who created the release Snapshot.
getCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the user who created the release snapshot version.
getCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the full name of the user who created the project version.
getCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the full name of the user who created the release.
getCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the full name of the user who created the release Snapshot.
getCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the full name of the user who created the release snapshot version.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the timestamp of when this request was submitted.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the timstamp of when this request was created.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the timestamp of when this task was created.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the date and time of when the project version was created.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the date and time of when the release was created.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the date and time of when the release Snapshot was created.
getCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the date and time of when the release snapshot version was created.
getCurrentGateName() - Method in class
getCurrentInstance() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getCurrentInstanceProperties(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the list of properties defined within the current instance of the workflow execution context.
getCurrentInstanceProperties(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getCurrentInstanceProperties(boolean, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
current instance property value
getCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
current instance property value or default if null
getCurrentStepName() - Method in class
getCurrentVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the name of the version which is currently deployed (e.g.
getCustomPolicyBundle() - Method in class
getDataKey() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
getDataType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
The data type of this property value
getDataType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
getDataType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
getDataType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDataValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
getDate(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getDayOfWeek(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getDefaultValueScript() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDependentObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getDependentObjectType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getDependentObjectTypeId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getDependentProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getDeployableEnvironments() - Method in class
getDeployedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the user who deployed the current version of the file.
getDeployedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the formatted date and time the current version of the file was deployed (e.g.
getDeployEnvironments() - Method in class
getDeployInfo() - Method in class
getDeploymentName() - Method in class
getDeploymentRequests(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getDeploymentStrategy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getDeployObject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
Gets the value of the deployObject property.
getDeployObjects() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
getDeployOverride(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the enum display name of the deploy override selection (No Override, Force, Skip) for the given project.
getDeployOverride(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the enum display name of the deploy override selection (No Override, Force, Skip) for the given project and package.
getDeployOverrideCode(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the enum name of the deploy override selection (NOOVERRIDE, FORCE, SKIP) for the given project and package.
getDeployOverrideEnum(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the enum of the deploy override selection (NOOVERRIDE, FORCE, SKIP) for the given project.
getDeployOverrideEnum(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the enum of the deploy override selection (NOOVERRIDE, FORCE, SKIP) for the given project and package.
getDeployPriority() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getDeployPriority() - Method in class
getDeployPriority() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the deploy priority for the release project.
getDeployResultsMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
getDescription() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers.ImageScanEnum
getDescription() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectClassificationEnum
getDescription() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.CMSObject
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
Returns this environment's description
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns the description of the FlexField.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the description for this folder.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Returns the optional description of this pipeline gate.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the optional description of the Input.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the optional description of the Instance.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the optional description for the release.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the description of the release property
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the optional description of the release Snapshot.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns the name of the release snapshot variable.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Returns the optional description of this pipeline step.
getDescription() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the optional description of this Stream.
getDetailByAction(String) - Method in class
getDetails() - Method in class
getDetails() - Method in class
getDisplayColumns() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDisplayColumns() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getDisplayName() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers.ImageScanEnum
getDisplayName() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectClassificationEnum
getDisplayName() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
getDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
getDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns the display name of the FlexField.
getDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
getDisplayRows() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getDisplayRows() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getDisplayValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Method is used to manage the Input Value display on the UI to handle the Encryption when the value is changed via setDisplayValue() method.
getDockerfile() - Method in class
getDockerStreams() - Method in class
getDoubleCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Double for the given property name within the current instance.
getDoubleCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Double for the given property name within the current instance.
getDoubleCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Double.
getDoubleInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleInputOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Double.
getDoubleInputOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Double for the given instance code and property name.
getDoubleInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Double for the given instance code and property name.
getDoubleInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Double for the given name.
getDoubleProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Double for the given name.
getDoubleProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Double) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getDoubleProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a CMS instance property with the given code as a Double
getDummy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getDuplicateFilesFlag() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns whether multiple packages in the snapshot results in duplicate files.
getDuplicateFilesFlag() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Whether this snapshot version has duplicate files with another snapshot version in the same snapshot.
getDuration() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the duration property.
getEmail() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
getEmailAddress() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
getEmailAddress() - Method in class
getEmailApprovalByReplySection(NotificationPayload) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
This method is used to generate the Approval reply links for an event to attach to the event template
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndDate() - Method in class
getEndpointAddress() - Method in class
getEndpointGroup() - Method in class
getEndpointId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getEndpointId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getEndpointId() - Method in class
getEndPointId() - Method in class
getEndpointKeyNames() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
getEndpointName() - Method in class
getEndPointName() - Method in class
getEndpointName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFileState
Returns the name of the endpoint the file was deployed to.
getEndpointPort() - Method in class
getEndPoints() - Method in class
getEndpointSubgroup() - Method in class
getEndSequenceNumberForCurrentBlock() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getEndTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the endTime property.
getEndTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
Gets the value of the endTime property.
getEndTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
getEndTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
getEndTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
Gets the value of the endTime property.
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the target environment which the current workflow is executing in
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the environment the request was submitted for.
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the environment data for this task's linked pipeline stage execution.
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the environment data for this request's linked pipeline stage execution.
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the environment data for this task's linked pipeline stage execution.
getEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the environment the request was submitted for.
getEnvironment(Long) - Method in class
Gets the environment with the specified Id.
getEnvironmentByCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns environment object for environment with supplied code, or null if environment is not found
getEnvironmentById(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns environment object for environment with supplied id, or null if environment is not found
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class
Returns this environment's code
getEnvironmentCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
getEnvironmentID() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Returns this environment's internal id
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
getEnvironmentId() - Method in class
Returns this environment's id
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class
getEnvironmentName() - Method in class
Returns this environment's name
getEnvironments() - Method in class
getEnvironments() - Method in class
getEnvironmentSortOrder() - Method in class
getEnvironmentSortOrder() - Method in class
getEnvironmentSortOrder() - Method in class
getErrorData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getErrorMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns any error message from this pipeline step execution.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the error message for the snapshot version if the status is FAILED.
getErrors() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessFailedException
getExceptionToWindow() - Method in class
getExcludePath() - Method in class
getExcludePath() - Method in class
getExecutionContextKeyNames() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
Method returns all the Source related Execution Constants with the default sequence number as 1.
getExecutionCount() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the executionCount property.
getExecutionInfoDataAsXML() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFileState
Returns the execution status of the file.
getExternalId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getExternalSystemId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the external system linked to an external approval gate.
getExternalTicket() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the CMS ticket number linked to an external approval task.
getFacts() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
getFailCondition() - Method in class
getFaultData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the summary error data for the workflow execution.
getFile(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
getFileData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
The data of the report file
getFileName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
The report file name
getFilePath() - Method in class
getFiles() - Method in class
getFiles() - Method in class
getFileState() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPartialDeploymentFileResult
getFinishDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getFirstName() - Method in class
getFirstName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
getFlexDeployBaseUrl() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns base FlexDeploy URL as configured in system settings
getFlexDeployBaseUrl() - Method in class
Returns the FlexDeploy Server base url configured in System Settings.
getFlexDeployFunctions() - Method in class
getFlexfield(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the project worflow request flexfield with the given code.
getFlexFieldNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getFlexFields() - Method in class
getFlexFields() - Method in class
getFlexFields() - Method in class
getFlexfields() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
getFlexFields() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
getFlexFields() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the list of flexfields for this project workflow request.
getFlexFieldsMetaData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getFlexFieldValues() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getFloatProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a CMS instance property with the given code as a Float
getFolderHierarchy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns a linked list hierarchy of Folders contained in this folder.
getFolderId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getFolderId() - Method in class
getFolderId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getFolderId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getFolderIdsAsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns an ordered list of folder ids for this folders hierarchy.
getFolderName() - Method in class
getFolderPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the qualified path of this folder in the hierarchy.
getFolderRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getFolderRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getFolderRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getFolderVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getFolderVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getFolderWithHierarchy(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getForceBuild() - Method in class
getForceBuild() - Method in class
getForceDeploy() - Method in class
getFromPackageObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getFullDeployProjectEnvironmentState(NotifProjectVersion, Long, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Gets the current project state for a particular full deploy project version and environment
getFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexFilePath
getFullRevision() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
getGate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getGate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the pipeline gate linked to this task.
getGateExecutionId() - Method in class
getGateExecutions() - Method in class
getGateExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
getGateExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
Returns the display name of this gate's execution status.
getGateExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the display name of this gate's execution status.
getGateExecutionStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
Returns the gate execution status type name of the task.
getGateExecutionStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the gate execution status type name of the task.
getGateExecutionStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
Returns the gate execution status enum of the task.
getGateExecutionStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the gate execution status enum of the task.
getGateName() - Method in class
getGateName() - Method in class
getGateName() - Method in class
getGateName() - Method in class
getGateName() - Method in class
getGateOrder() - Method in class
getGateStatus() - Method in class
getGateType() - Method in class
getGateType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Returns the type name of this pipeline gate.
getGateTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Returns the type of this pipeline gate.
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroovyKey() - Method in class
getGroup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
getGroup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the optional group of the Instance.
getGroupCode() - Method in class
getGroupDetail(Long) - Method in class
getGroupDetails() - Method in class
getGroupId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
getGroupId() - Method in class
getGroupID() - Method in class
getGroupId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the group assigned to the task.
getGroupId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getGroupName() - Method in class
getGroupName() - Method in class
getGroupName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the name of the group that this task is assigned to.
getGroupNames() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the optional groups selected on the release project (as a comma separated list).
getGroupNamesAsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the optional groups selected on the release project.
getGroupRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getHelmConfiguration() - Method in class
getHour12(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getHour24(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getHTML() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
Return the html representation of the content of this instance
getHttpResponse() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRestException
getHumanReadableName(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
getHumanTaskIdentityUuid() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getHumanTaskIdentityUuid() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
getHumanTaskIdentityUuid() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the UUID for the human task.
getHumanTaskUrlPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Returns the URI of the human tasks page.
getIconEmoji() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getIconURL() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
getIconURL() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the internal identifier of the application request.
getId() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
Returns the internal identifier of the object on which the event originated.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the internal identifier of the project workflow request.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the task.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns the internal generated id of the environment.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the internal generated identifier of this folder.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolderVersion
Returns the internal generated identifier of this folder version.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Returns the internal generated identifier of this pipeline gate.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the internal identifier of the input.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the internal identifier of this Instance.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the internal identifier of the Project.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the internal identifier of the project.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the internal identifier of the project version.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the internal identifier of the release.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the internal identifier of the release project.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the internal identifier of the release Snapshot.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Returns the internal generated identifier of this pipeline step.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the internal generated identifier of this project Stream.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Returns the internal identifier of the workflow.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the internal identifier of the workflow execution.
getId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the internal identifier of the workflow request.
getImageName() - Method in class
getImageScan() - Method in class
getInactivateMissingFiles() - Method in class
getInactivateMissingFiles() - Method in class
getIncludePath() - Method in class
getIncludePath() - Method in class
getInitialValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the input with the given name as an Object.
getInputByName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
getInputMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the inputs for the current workflow execution
getInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the list of inputs within the workflow execution context for the current plugin execution.
getInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class
getInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
getInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the list of inputs for this project workflow request.
getInstallPluginsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the plugin installation directory on the target endpoint.
getInstallPluginsDirectory(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the plugin installation sub-directory for the given plugin name and plugin version.
getInstance() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
getInstance() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the target instance which the current workflow is executing on
getInstance() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the instance that the workflow execution was targeted to.
getInstance(Long) - Method in class
Gets the instance with the specified Id.
getInstance() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.OSCommands
getInstanceByCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns instance object for instance with supplied code, or null if instance is not found
getInstanceById(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns instance object for instance with supplied id, or null if instance is not found
getInstanceCode() - Method in class
getInstanceCode() - Method in class
getInstanceCode() - Method in class
getInstanceCode() - Method in class
getInstanceCode() - Method in class
getInstanceCodes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
getInstanceCodesCSV() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getInstanceForEvents(Long, ServiceBaseAMImpl) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getInstanceForPipelineGate(Long, ServiceBaseAMImpl, Long, ScriptEvaluator) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getInstanceForProjectOrFolder(Long, Long, ServiceBaseAMImpl, Long, ScriptEvaluator) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
getInstanceID() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Returns this instance's internal id
getInstanceId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceId() - Method in class
getInstanceIds() - Method in class
getInstanceIds() - Method in class
getInstanceIds() - Method in class
getInstanceIds() - Method in class
getInstanceIdsForType(String) - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the instance name the file is being deployed to.
getInstanceName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns the name of the instance the test was executed on.
getInstanceOverride(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns a list of override instances set for the given project and package.
getInstanceProperties(String, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getInstanceProperties(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getInstancePropertyMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
Returns a Map of environment instance scoped properties (for all instances).
getInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
instance property value
getInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
instance property value or default if null
getInstances() - Method in class
Returns this environment's list of instances ids
getInstances() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIntanceOverrides(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns a list of override instances set for the given project.
getIntegerCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an Integer for the given property name within the current instance.
getIntegerCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an Integer for the given property name within the current instance.
getIntegerCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as an Integer.
getIntegerInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerInputOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as an Integer.
getIntegerInputOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an Integer for the given instance code and property name.
getIntegerInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an Integer for the given instance code and property name.
getIntegerInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as an Integer for the given name.
getIntegerProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as an Integer for the given name.
getIntegerProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getIntegerProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a CMS instance property with the given code as an Integer
getIntegrationInstance(Long, String) - Method in class
Gets an integration instance based on the Id.
getInternalDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getInternalDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
getInternalDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
getInternalDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the internal directory of the target endpoint, which is used to store temporary files generated by the plugin execution lifecycle and its plugins.
getIsActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getIsActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
Returns this environment's IsActive
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class
getIsActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns whether the project version is active.
getIsActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns whether this stream is active or not.
getIsAppRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIsBaseDirectoryExpression() - Method in class
getIsBuildEnvironment() - Method in class
Returns this environment's IsBuildEnvironment
getIsConstant() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getIsDeploymentTarget() - Method in class
getIsEmergency() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIsEmergencyAsString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIsForce() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIsForceAsString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getIsImageBuild() - Method in class
getIsImagePush() - Method in class
getIsJavaPathExpression() - Method in class
getIsPartialDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getIssueTrackingSystemId() - Method in class
getIsTagLatest() - Method in class
getJavaBeanAttributeValue(Object, JavaBeanAttribute) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
getJavaPath() - Method in class
getJson() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.CMSObject
getJSON(FlexRESTClientResponse) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
getJSON(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
Gets JSONObject from a given file.
getJSON(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
Gets JSONObject from a given string.
getJsonKey(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
Gets JSON key from JSONObject without checking if one exists.
getJsonObjectFromPayload(Object) - Method in class
Take in the json payload and convert it to a JsonObject
getKey() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyObjectValue
Returns the String key
getKey() - Method in class
getKey() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.EnvironmentKeyValue
Returns the environment variable key
getKubernetesConfiguration() - Method in class
getLastChangeDate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getLastEndPoint() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
getLastName() - Method in class
getLastName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
getLength() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getLengthPrecision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getListData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getListData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getListOfFilesMatchingCaseInsensitiveSuffix(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Finds files that end with suffix.
getListOfFilesMatchingExt(String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Returns an empty list if no files are found.
getListOfFilesMatchingExt(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Don't put the .
getListOfFilesMatchingRegex(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
getListOfFilesMatchingSuffix(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Finds files that end with suffix.
getListOfFilesMatchingWildcard(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
getLocalHostName() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
getLocation() - Method in class
getLogChanges() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getLogChangesSize() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getLogFunctions() - Method in class
getLogMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getLogs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getLogs() - Method in class
getLongCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Long for the given property name within the current instance.
getLongCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Long for the given property name within the current instance.
getLongCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Long.
getLongInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongInputOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a Long.
getLongInputOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Long for the given instance code and property name.
getLongInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a Long for the given instance code and property name.
getLongInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Long for the given name.
getLongProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getLongProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a Long for the given name.
getLongProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getMainStreamName() - Method in class
getManifestsToDeploy() - Method in class
getManualStepRoleByStepId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getMarkdownLink(Serializable, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
getMaxResponseTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the maxResponseTime property.
getMaxValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getMaxValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getMD5Checksum(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.MD5Checksum
getMediumValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
getMemberType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
getMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the message property.
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns the message returned from the test case execution.
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
getMessage() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
getMessage() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getMessage() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
getMessageJson() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
getMessageJson() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.UserMessageRequestPojo
getMessageJson() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getMetaDataProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns a list of FlexDeploy defined properties containing information related to the workflow execution context.
getMetaDataProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getMinResponseTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the minResponseTime property.
getMinutes(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getMinValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getMinValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getMonth(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Returns this environment's display name
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Returns this instance's display name
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns the project name
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns the display name of the environment.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the name of this folder.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolderVersion
Returns the display name of this folder version.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Returns the name of this pipeline gate.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the display name of the Input.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the display name of the Instance.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifOutput
Returns the name of the Output.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the name of the Project.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the name of the project.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the name of the project version (e.g.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the name of the release.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the project name of the release project.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the display name of the release property.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the name of the release Snapshot.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns the name of the release snapshot variable.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Returns the name of this pipeline step.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns the name of this project Stream.
getName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Returns the name of the workflow.
getNewVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the new version name being deployed (e.g.
getNewWeight() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getNotApplicableWorkflowInputValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getNotes() - Method in class
getNotes() - Method in class
getNotes() - Method in class
getNotes() - Method in class
getNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the notes attached to this task's gate execution as a list of strings.
getNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the notes attached to this task's step execution as a list of strings.
getNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns any notes provided for this task.
getNotificationEventType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
getNotificationEventType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
getNotificationMediumType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
getNotificationMediumType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
getNumber() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.CMSObject
getObjectDetails() - Method in class
getObjectHash() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectHash property.
getObjectHash() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectHash property.
getObjectHash() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getObjectID() - Method in class
getObjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getObjectPath() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectPath property.
getObjectPath() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectPath property.
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the objectPath property.
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectObject
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPackageFile
Returns the path of the package file.
getObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the path of the package file.
getObjectPathSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getObjectResultsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the object results directory of the target endpoint, which is used to store results produced by partial deployment plugin operations.
getObjectType() - Method in class
getObjectType() - Method in class
getObjectType() - Method in class
getObjectType() - Method in class
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class
Gets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getObjectTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getObjectTypeDisplayName() - Method in class
getObjectTypeDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectObject
getObjectTypeDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPackageFile
Returns the object type display name.
getObjectTypeDisplayString() - Method in class
getObjectTypeDisplayString() - Method in class
getObjectTypeSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getOldWeight() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getOperation() - Method in class
getOperationPropertyKeys(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getOrCreateStreamId(Long, String, Boolean) - Method in class
Trys to get the stream id, if unable to it creates a stream and returns that id
getOrginatingWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the workflow execution id of the current execution.
getOsType() - Method in class
getOutput() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the output property.
getOutputMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the map of Outputs.
getOutputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginResult
getOutputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the list of outputs resulting from this workflow execution.
getOverrideFlag() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getPacakgeName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getPacakgeTypeMembers() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SalesforcePackageWrapper
getPackage(Long, String) - Method in class
Returns a PackageDetailsResponsePojo given a Project Id and Package Name
getPackageBuildType() - Method in class
getPackageBuildType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPackageBuildType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the package build type configured for this project (ALL, PACKAGE, BOTH).
getPackageDetails() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
getPackageDetails() - Method in class
getPackageDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getPackageDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getPackageDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPackageFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the list of files within the package for the release project.
getPackageId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Returns the package name the current version was deployed from.
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the name of the build package.
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the package name for the release project.
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the name of the package for the snapshot version.
getPackageName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the package name associated with this Workflow Request.
getPackageObjectId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the packageObjectId property.
getPackageObjectId() - Method in class
Gets the value of the packageObjectId property.
getPackageObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the packageObjectId property.
getPackageObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
getPackageObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getPackageObjects() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
getPackagePath() - Method in class
getPackagePath() - Method in class
getPackageSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getPackageSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPackageStatus() - Method in class
getPackageStatus() - Method in class
getPackageType() - Method in class
getPackageType() - Method in class
getParametersMap() - Method in class
getParent() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the parent Folder for this project, which represents the project's Application.
getParentFolderId() - Method in class
getParentFolderId() - Method in class
getParentFolderId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the internal identifier of the parent folder.
getPartialDeploymentFileResults() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the file level results from this workflow execution.
getPartialDeployments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getPartialDeployments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getPartialDeployments() - Method in class
getPartialDeployProjectEnvironmentState(NotifProjectVersion, Long, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Gets the current project state for a particular partial deploy project version and environment
getPassInContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
getPassphrase() - Method in class
getPassphraseCredentialId() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class
getPasswordCredentialId() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the qualified path of this Project (e.g.
getPeEndDate() - Method in class
getPeEndDate() - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPeStartDate() - Method in class
getPeStartDate() - Method in class
getPipelineDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getPipelineExecutionId() - Method in class
getPipelineExecutionId() - Method in class
getPipelineExecutionId() - Method in class
getPipelineExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getPipelineExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getPipelineExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getPipelineId() - Method in class
getPipelineName() - Method in class
getPipelineName() - Method in class
getPipelineRoleId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
getPipelineStageExecInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getPipelineStageExecInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the execution info data provided in the linked pipeline stage.
getPipelineStageExecInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the execution info data provided in the linked pipeline stage.
getPipelineStageExecInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getPipelineStageExecInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the execution info data provided in the linked pipeline stage.
getPipelineStageExecutionInfo(Long) - Method in class
Gets pipeline stage execution info based on the stage exec Id given.
getPipelineStageExecutions() - Method in class
getPipelineStageExecutionSnapshotQueryResultRow(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getPipelineStageGateExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the linked pipeline gate execution.
getPipelineStageGateExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getPipelineStageStepExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPipelineStageStepExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the linked pipelne step execution.
getPipelineStageStepExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getPipelineStepProjectsExecution(Long, Long) - Method in class
Get the project request and execution statuses for a given pipeline step execution
getPipelineStepProjectsExecution(Long, String) - Method in class
Get the project request and execution statuses for a given pipeline step execution
getPlainMessage() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Returns error message without exception code.
getPluginDefinition() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getPluginDefinition() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the plugin execution id
getPluginExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getPluginExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getPluginExecutionLog() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getPluginExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getPluginId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
getPluginId() - Method in class
getPluginLogInputStreams(Long) - Method in class
Returns plugin logs from a workflow execution as a map with the key being the plugin execution id and value as an InputStream of log data.
getPluginLogInputStreams(Long, Boolean) - Method in class
Returns plugin logs from a workflow execution as a map with the key being the plugin execution id and value as an InputStream of log data.
getPluginLogs(Long) - Method in class
Gets the plugin logs from the workflow execution based on Id.
getPluginName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
getPluginName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
getPluginName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginOperation(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getPluginOperationName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getPluginOperationName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
getPluginOperations() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getPluginOperations() - Method in class
getPluginTarget() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
getPluginTarget() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
getPluginVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginXML() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginXMLData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
getPluginZipAsBytes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginZipAsEncodedStrings() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPluginZipFileName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPorts() - Method in class
getPreDeployInfo() - Method in class
getPredeployStartTime() - Method in class
getPredeployStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPreDeployWorkflowExecId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPredeployWorkflowId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getPrincipalName() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
getPrintableCommands() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the list of commands appropriate for printing.
getPrintablePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns a project property value suitable for printing, in that encrypted values are masked.
getPrintablePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns an environment instance property value for the given instance which is suitable for printing, in that encrypted values are masked.
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getPriorityScope() - Method in class
getPrivateKey() - Method in class
getProcess() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the Process command which is encapsulated by this ExternalProcess command.
getProcessError() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
The trapped standard error logs as a List of Strings
getProcessOutput() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
The trapped standard out logs as a List of Strings
getProject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the project which the current workflow execution is for
getProject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the project linked to this workflow request.
getProject(Long) - Method in class
Returns project information for a given projectId.
getProjectBuildSequence() - Method in class
getProjectClassification() - Method in class
getProjectFiles() - Method in class
getProjectGroups() - Method in class
getProjectGroups() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns the project's internal primary key id
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
getProjectID() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the internal identifier of the project for the snapshot version.
getProjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the internal identifier of the workflow request's project.
getProjectIsActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getProjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getProjectName() - Method in class
getProjectName() - Method in class
getProjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the name of the project for the snapshot version.
getProjectName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the name of the workflow request's project.
getProjectObject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the projectObjectId property.
getProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
getProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getProjectObjectId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getProjectObjectPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
getProjectObjects() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getProjectPackageId() - Method in class
getProjectPath() - Method in class
getProjectProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the list of project-scoped properties from within the workflow execution context.
getProjectProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getProjectProperties(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
Returns the list of project-scoped properties from within the workflow execution context.
getProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
project or project version property value.
getProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
project or project version property value or default if null
getProjectRequests() - Method in class
getProjectRequests() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getProjects() - Method in class
getProjects() - Method in class
getProjectSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectSourcesDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class
getProjectStreamId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the id of the stream which is used to perfrom the build.
getProjectType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns the project type ("EBS" or "GENERAL").
getProjectType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getProjectType() - Method in class
getProjectType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the type of this project.
getProjectVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getProjectVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the generated project version for this this workflow request.
getProjectVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the project version tied to this snapshot version.
getProjectVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the project version of the workflow request.
getProjectVersionFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the list of package files contained in the build for this project version.
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class
getProjectVersionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectVersionIds() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
getProjectVersionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectWorkflowID() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
getProjectWorkflowId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getProjectWorkflowRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectReviewTask
Returns the workflow request linked to this review task.
getProjectWorkflowRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectTask
Returns the workflow request associated to this task.
getProjectWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
getProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the properties for the current workflow execution
getProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns the CMS properties by property code
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class
getProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the list of properties for the release.
getProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns a CMS instance property with given code as a String.
getProperty(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the named properties for the release.
getPropertyLists() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
getPropertyMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
Returns a Map of project-scoped properties for the current execution
getPropertySetId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
Returns a property value for the project-scoped property identified by the given property key.
getPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
Returns a property value for the environment instance scoped property identified by the given instance code and property key.
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns a project property value.
getPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns an environment property value for the given instance.
getPropertyValueObject(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
Returns a PropertyValue object for the environment instance scoped property identified by the given instance code and property key.
getPropertyValueOrDefault(String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns a project property value.
getPropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns an environment instance property value.
getProvider() - Method in class
getPseEndDate() - Method in class
getPseEndDate() - Method in class
getPseStartDate() - Method in class
getPseStartDate() - Method in class
getQualifiedProjectName() - Method in class
getRealmClass() - Method in class
getRealmId() - Method in class
getRealmName() - Method in class
getRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getRecipients() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
getRecipients() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
getRegistryAccount() - Method in class
getRelatedTicket() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getRelatedTicket() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the stage level Related Ticket.
getRelatedTicket(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the project level Related Ticket.
getRelatedTicket(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns the package level Related Ticket.
getRelatedTickets() - Method in class
getRelDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getRelease() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the release associated to this project workflow request, if applicable.
getRelease() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the Release which is associated to the snapshot.
getRelease(Long) - Method in class
Gets a release by a specific id.
getReleaseBuildMonitorId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getReleaseDefId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getReleaseDefinitionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the release linked to this task.
getReleaseId() - Method in class
getReleaseId() - Method in class
getReleaseId() - Method in class
getReleaseId() - Method in class
getReleaseId() - Method in class
getReleaseIdSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the internal identifier of the snapshot linked to this request.
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseName() - Method in class
getReleaseProjectDetails() - Method in class
getReleaseProjectInfo(Long) - Method in class
Gets release project info based on the release definition Id.
getReleaseProjects() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getReleaseProjects() - Method in class
getReleaseProjects() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the list of projects/packages in the release.
getReleaseProperties() - Method in class
getReleaseSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getReleaseSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
getReleaseSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getReleaseStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
getReleaseStatus() - Method in class
getRelName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getRelSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getRelSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getRelSnapshotId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getReplacementKey() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyReplacementContext.KeyValue
Returns the replacement key
getReplacementKeyValues() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyReplacementContext
Returns the available replacement key/values available within this context.
getReportFile(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the report file details and data for the given name from this execution.
getReportFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns all the report files detail and data for this workflow execution.
getReportsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getReportsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the reports directory of the target endpoint.
getRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke GET request using basic authentication
getRequest(String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke GET request using basic authentication
getRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke GET request using bearer token to authenticate
getRequest(String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke GET request using bearer token to authenticate
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class
getRequestAllFiles() - Method in class
getRequestAllFilesBasedOnPartialDeployFlag(boolean) - Method in class
getRequestCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the full name of the user that submitted this request ("[First Name] [Last Name]").
getRequestCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the full name of the user that submitted this request ("[First Name] [Last Name]").
getRequestExecutions() - Method in class
getRequestFlexfields() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getRequestInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getRequestPackageDetails() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getRequestsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getRequestsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getRequestStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the requested start time for this request, if applicable.
getRequestStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the requested start time for this request, if applicable.
getRequestStatus() - Method in class
getResourceIds() - Method in class
getResourceNames() - Method in class
getResourceTypes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
Returns resource types defined by this plugin.
getResponse() - Method in class
getResponseCode() - Method in class
getResponseObject(Class<T>) - Method in class
Gets response object from REST response.
getResponseString() - Method in class
getReturnCode() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexExternalProcessFailedException
getReturnCode() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the return code from the external process execution.
getRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getRevision() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
getRevision() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
getRoutRule() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getRunAsUserName() - Method in class
getRunContainer() - Method in class
getSafeJsonKey(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexJsonUtils
Safely gets a JSON key from a JSONObject if one exists.
getSafePartialPathForFileSystem() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
This method is used in context to Source or Temp directory to find physical path to the file.
getSalesforceObject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getScan() - Method in class
getScheduleBuildExpression() - Method in class
getScheduledBuildExpression() - Method in class
getScheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class
getScheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class
getScheduledTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns timestamp of when this task is scheduled to complete.
getScmConfiguration() - Method in class
getSCMInfo() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getScmInstanceIds() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getScmLog() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersionFile
Returns the SCM change logs associated to this file.
getSCMRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getSCMRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getSCMRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getScmRevision() - Method in class
getScmRevision() - Method in class
getScmRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the SCM revision associated with the build for this project version.
getScmRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifScmLog
Returns the sequence number of the package file.
getSCMType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns the SCM type for this project
getSCMType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getScmType() - Method in class
getScmType() - Method in class
getScmType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the name of SCM type configured for this project (SVN, GIT, CVS, TFVC, PERF, PVCS, FILE, OIC, NONE).
getSecAttribute1() - Method in class
getSecAttribute2() - Method in class
getSecondaryRevision() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class
getSequenece() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPackageFile
Returns the sequence number of the package file.
getServerBaseUrl() - Method in class
getServerType() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
getSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the snapshot data linked to this task's pipeline execution.
getSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the snapshot data linked to this request's pipeline execution.
getSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getSnapshot() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the snapshot data linked to this task's pipeline execution.
getSnapshotCommitDetailInputStreams(Long) - Method in class
Gets the commit details of a snapshot and returns an input stream of the data.
getSnapshotCommitDetails(Long) - Method in class
Gets the commit details of a snapshot and returns an object with the data.
getSnapshotCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the name of the user who created the snapshot linked to this step execution.
getSnapshotCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
getSnapshotCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
getSnapshotCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the full name of the user who created the snapshot linked to this step execution ("[First Name] [Last Name]").
getSnapshotCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getSnapshotCreatedByFullName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
getSnapshotId() - Method in class
getSnapshotId() - Method in class
getSnapshotId() - Method in class
getSnapshotId() - Method in class
getSnapshotName() - Method in class
getSnapshotName() - Method in class
getSnapshotName() - Method in class
getSnapshotStatus() - Method in class
getSnapshotVariables() - Method in class
getSnapshotVersionInputs() - Method in class
getSnapshotVersions() - Method in class
getSnapshotVersions() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the list of Snapshot Versions contained in the snapshot.
getSnapshotVersionStatus() - Method in class
getSortAll() - Method in class
getSortAllAfterPopulate() - Method in class
getSortAllAfterPopulate() - Method in class
getSortNumber() - Method in class
Returns this environment's sort number
getSortNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns the numeric sort numbe that is defined for this environment.
getSourceDirectories() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
getSources() - Method in class
getSourceType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class
getStageExecutionId() - Method in class
getStageExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
getStageExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getStageExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getStageExecutionStatus() - Method in class
getStageGateExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
getStageGateExecutionId() - Method in class
getStageGateId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
getStageStepExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
getStageStepId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
getStageStepId() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class
getStartDate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the date and time of when the release was last started.
getStartSequenceNumberForCurrentBlock() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the startTime property.
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
Gets the value of the startTime property.
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
Gets the value of the startTime property.
getStartTime() - Method in class
getStartTime() - Method in class
getStartTime() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the status property.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Gets the value of the status property.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the display name of the application request status (e.g.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the display name of the project workflow request status.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the display name of this task's status.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the status name of the task.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the status name of the release Snapshot.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the status of the release snapshot version (PENDING, COMPLETED, FAILED, EXISTING).
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns the status name of the Test Definition execution.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns the status name of the test case execution.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns the status name of the test execution.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns the status name of the test set execution.
getStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the status name of the workflow request.
getStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the type name of the application request status (e.g.
getStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the type name of the project workflow request status.
getStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the status type name of the task.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Returns the type enum of the application request status (e.g.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the type enum of the project workflow request status.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the status enum of the task.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the status of the release Snapshot.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns the status of the test definition execution.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns the status of the test case execution.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns the status of the test execution.
getStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns the status of the test set execution.
getStep() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the pipeline step linked to this execution.
getStep() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
getStep() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the pipeline step linked to this task.
getStepExecutionId() - Method in class
getStepExecutionId() - Method in class
getStepExecutions() - Method in class
getStepExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
getStepExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the display name of this step's execution status.
getStepExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
Returns the display name of this step's execution status.
getStepExecutionStatus() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the display name of this step's execution status.
getStepExecutionStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the step execution status type name of the step.
getStepExecutionStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
Returns the step execution status type name of the task.
getStepExecutionStatusCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the step execution status type name of the task.
getStepExecutionStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the execution status enum of the step.
getStepExecutionStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
Returns the step execution status enum of the task.
getStepExecutionStatusEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Returns the step execution status enum of the task.
getStepName() - Method in class
getStepName() - Method in class
getStepOrder() - Method in class
getStepOrder() - Method in class
getStepStatus() - Method in class
getStepStatus() - Method in class
getStepType() - Method in class
getStepType() - Method in class
getStepType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Returns the type name of this pipeline step.
getStepTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Returns the type of this pipeline step.
getStopDeploymentWhenPackageFails() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getStopOnError() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
Subclass can implement if they want to stop on error or not.
getStopOnError() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getStopOnErrorAsStr() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getStream() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the stream for this project workflow request.
getStream() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns the stream selected for the release project.
getStream() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns the stream associated with the snapshot version.
getStream() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Returns the stream for the workflow request's project.
getStreamId() - Method in class
getStreamId() - Method in class
getStreamId() - Method in class
getStreamName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
getStreamName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getStreamName() - Method in class
getStreamName() - Method in class
getStreamName() - Method in class
getStreams() - Method in class
getStringCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an String for the given property name within the current instance.
getStringCurrentInstancePropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an String for the given property name within the current instance.
getStringCurrentInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a String.
getStringInput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringInputOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of the given input as a String.
getStringInputOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as an Object for the given instance code and property name.
getStringInstancePropertyValue(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a environment instance property as a String for the given instance code and property name.
getStringInstancePropertyValueOrDefault(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a String for the given name.
getStringProjectPropertyValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getStringProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the value of a project property as a String for the given name.
getStringProjectPropertyValueOrDefault(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getSubComponentContent() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getSubcomponentName() - Method in class
Gets the value of the subcomponentName property.
getSubcomponentName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the subcomponentName property.
getSubcomponentName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getSubcomponentName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getSubComponentName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getSubcomponentType() - Method in class
Gets the value of the subcomponentType property.
getSubcomponentType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Gets the value of the subcomponentType property.
getSubcomponentType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getSubcomponentType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
getSubComponentType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
getSubFolders() - Method in class
getSubgroup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
getSubGroup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns the optional sub-group of the Instance.
getSubGroupCode() - Method in class
getSysEnvProperties() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
getTarget() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
getTargetDate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the target date and time the task will be completed if the task is an scheduled task; otherwise returns "On Approval".
getTargetDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
getTaskNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
Returns the notes entered by the approver who approves/rejects the approval task.
getTaskNotes() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Returns the notes entered by the approver who approves/rejects the approval task.
getTasks() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Returns the list of tasks for this workflow execution.
getTeamName() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
getTempDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getTempDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the temp directory of the target endpoint, which is used to store temporary files generated by the plugin executions.
getTemplateText() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
getTestCase() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
Gets the value of the testCase property.
getTestCaseName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns the case name for this execution.
getTestDataId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
getTestDataId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestResponse
getTestDefinitionName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns the Test Definition name for this execution.
getTestDefinitionRunList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
getTestingToolId() - Method in class
getTestLevel() - Method in class
getTestResultList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns the list of individual test case results for this test definition execution.
getTestResultsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getTestResultsDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the test results directory of the target endpoint, which is used to store test results produced by test plugin operations.
getTestRuns() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the test executions for this project workflow request.
getTests() - Method in class
getTestSetName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns the name of the test set for this execution.
getTestSetRunList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns the list of test set executions within this test execution.
getText() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
getText() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
getText() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getTickets() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
getTicketsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
getTicketsList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getTicketURL(CMSObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Return ticket's absolute URL.
getTimeout() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the configured timeout in milliseconds.
getTitle() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
getTransferDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getTransferDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the transfer directory of the target endpoint, which used for sharing files between plugin operations within a single workflow.
getTransferProtocol() - Method in class
getTriggerType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Returns the type of task for the project.
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns the datatype name of the FlexField.
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the datatype name of the Input.
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the type name of the release property (i.e.
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns the type name of the release snapshot variable (i.e.
getType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Returns the type display name of the workflow (e.g.
getTypeCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Returns the type name of the workflow (e.g.
getTypeDisplayName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns an Enum representing the datatype of the FlexField.
getTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns an Enum representing the datatype of the Input.
getTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the datatype for this release property.
getTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns the datatype for this snapshot variable.
getTypeEnum() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Returns the type enum of the workflow (e.g.
getTypeName() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.CMSObject
getTypeSequenceNumber() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
getUpdatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the user who last updated the project version.
getUpdatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the user who last updated the release.
getUpdatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
getUpdatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns the date and time of when the project version was last updated.
getUpdatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the date and time of when the release was last updated.
getUpdatedPropertyMap() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
getUrlPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns the FlexDeploy UI relative URL for the projects page, which can be used to provide hyperlinks.
getUrlPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns the FlexDeploy UI relative URL for the projects page, which can be used to provide hyperlinks.
getUrlPath() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Returns the FlexDeploy UI relative URL for the release page, which can be used to provide hyperlinks.
getUseLatestPackageVersion() - Method in class
getUser(String) - Method in class
Returns user information for a given username.
getUserFromSlackId(String) - Method in class
Returns the FlexDeploy User corresponding to the given slack user id.
getUserFullName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
getUserId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
getUserId() - Method in class
getUserId() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
getUserName() - Method in class
getUserName() - Method in class
getUsername() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
getUsersFromGroupId(Long) - Method in class
Gets a list of FDUser objects that are members of the group with the given group Id.
getUsersFromRoleId(Long) - Method in class
Gets a list of the users that are members of the pipeline role with the specified role Id.
getUtilityExecutionInfo() - Method in class
getValidationErrorMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getValidationErrorMessage() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getValidationScript() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getValidatorScript() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
Returns the embedded value from this PropertyValue.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyObjectValue
Returns the value as an Object
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyReplacementContext.KeyValue
Returns the String value
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Returns the value of this FlexField.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Returns the value of this Input.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifOutput
Returns the value of the Output.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns the value of the release property, converted to the corresponding datatype (i.e.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns the value of the release snapshot variable, converted to the corresponding datatype (i.e.
getValue() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.EnvironmentKeyValue
Returns the environment variable value
getValue(Object, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
getValue() - Method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent
getValue(Date, FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
get value using GregorianCalendar.
getValueScript() - Method in class
getVariable(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the named snapshot variable for the snapshot.
getVariables() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Returns the list of snapshot variables for the snapshot.
getVendor() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
getVersion() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SalesforcePackageWrapper
getVersionCreatedBy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getVersionCreatedOn() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
getVersionSyntax() - Method in class
getVersionSyntax() - Method in class
getVersionSyntaxScript() - Method in class
getVolumes() - Method in class
getWarningCode() - Method in class
getWarningMessage() - Method in class
getWebhooksEnabled() - Method in class
getWeekOfMonth(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getWorkDir() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns the working directory for the external process execution.
getWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the workflow linked to this workflow request's project.
getWorkflowExecutionContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns the WorkflowExecutionContext for the current plugin operation execution.
getWorkflowExecutionContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getWorkflowExecutionContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
getWorkflowExecutionContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextObjectPropertyUtil
Returns the workflow execution context for this utility instance.
getWorkflowExecutionContext() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ContextPropertyUtil
Returns the workflow execution context for this utility instance.
getWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the id of the current workflow execution
getWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
getWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class
getWorkflowExecutionId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getWorkflowExecutions() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns the list of workflow executions for this project workflow request.
getWorkflowID() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.IProjectWorkflowDetails
getWorkflowID() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
getWorkflowId() - Method in class
getWorkflowId() - Method in class
getWorkflowId() - Method in class
getWorkflowId() - Method in class
getWorkflowId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getWorkflowIdForType(String) - Method in class
getWorkflowInputs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
getWorkflowInputsMetaData() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the workflow request id of the current execution.
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectReviewTask
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Returns the internal identifier of the linked workflow request.
getWorkflowRequestId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
getWorkflowRequestList() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Returns the list of workflow execution requests that are part of this step execution.
getWorkflowRequestPriority() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getWorkflowRequests() - Method in class
getWorkflows() - Method in class
getWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the workflow type name
getWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
getWorkflowVersionOverride() - Method in class
getWorkflowVersionOverride() - Method in class
getWorkflowVersionOverride() - Method in class
getWorkflowVersionOverride() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getWorkflowVersionOverrideId() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns the working directory of the target endpoint.
getYear(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
getZipFileName() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
GIT_BRANCH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GIT_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GIT_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GIT_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GIT_SPARSE_CHECKOUT_FOLDERS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GIT_TAG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
GithubFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from a Github payload
GithubFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
GitlabFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from a GitLab payload
GitlabFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
GitProviderFunctions - Class in
Used for anything common between providers
GitProviderFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
GlobalPermissionObjectDetail - Class in
GlobalPermissionObjectDetail() - Constructor for class
GlobalPermissionsSummary - Class in
GlobalPermissionsSummary() - Constructor for class
grant_type(String) - Method in class
grep(List<String>, String, boolean) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
GROOVY_KEY - Static variable in class
GROOVY_KEY_PREFIX_EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
GROOVY_KEY_PREFIX_EVENT_SCRIPT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
GROOVY_KEY_PREFIX_WEBHOOK_FUNCTION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
GROOVY_KEY_PREFIX_WEBHOOK_PROVIDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
GroupGlobalPermissionsCacheEntry - Class in
GroupGlobalPermissionsCacheEntry() - Constructor for class


hasAnyPermission() - Method in class
hasAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
hasAttachments() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotificationPayload
Whether the payload has attachments to be delivered with the notification.
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
Returns a hash code value for this environment.
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Returns a hash code value for this instance.
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns a hash code value for this project.
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
hashCode() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashInputStream(InputStream, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
hasLowerCaseLetter(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
hasReplacementToken(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.AbstractPropertyReplacement
Returns whether the given source text contains one or more replacement properties.
head() - Method in class
headers(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Sets headers that will be used for builder.
HelmConfiguration - Class in
HelmConfiguration() - Constructor for class
HmacFunctions - Class in
Utility functions for generating Hmac strings
HmacFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
hostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class
HTML_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants


ImageScan() - Constructor for class
ImageScan(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ImageScanEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers
inactivateStream(Long, String) - Method in class
Inactive a FlexDeploy Stream on a project.
includeObjectInZip(ProjectObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
This is used by classes that extend it to determine if files should be included in the zip.
info(String) - Method in class
Logs a message to the FlexDeploy logs with a level of INFO.
inFuture(Date) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
InMemoryPropertyReplacement - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
Concrete implementation for property replacement on a list of Strings.
InMemoryPropertyReplacement(WorkflowExecutionContext, List<String>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.InMemoryPropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given workflow execution context and source.
InMemoryPropertyReplacement(PropertyReplacementContext, List<String>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.InMemoryPropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given property replacement context and source.
inPast(Date) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
Input - Class in
Input() - Constructor for class
Input - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
Input() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Input(WorkflowRequestCreate, VariableType) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Input(String, ProjectDetails, VariableType) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Input(ReleaseProjectWFDetailsByStageExecIdROVORowImpl, VariableType) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
INSTALL_DIR_ENV_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
INSTALL_DIR_SYS_PROP_MISSING - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
Instance - Class in flexagon.fd.core
Represents a FlexDeploy instance, which contains a name, code, and generated id.
Instance(Long, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
Creates an Instance with the given id, code, and name.
INSTANCE_PROPERTY_SEP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
InstancePojo - Class in
InstancePojo() - Constructor for class
INTERNAL_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
invokeMethod(Object, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Invoke method supplied object and return result.
invokeMethod(Object, String, Class[], Object...) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Invoke method supplied object and return result.
IProjectDetails - Interface in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
IProjectWorkflowDetails - Interface in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
isAbortSignal() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.SignalCache
isAbortSignaled() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
isActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
isActive() - Method in class
isActive() - Method in class
isActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns whether this environment is active or not.
isActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns whether this folder is active.
isActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns whether this Instance is active.
isAdminGroup() - Method in class
isAdminGroup() - Method in class
isAdministrator() - Method in class
isAllFilesRequested() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
isAlphaNumeric(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isAlphaNumeric(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isAlphaNumericPlusUnderscore(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isApplication() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Returns whether this folder represents an Application.
isArtifactsPurged() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns whether the artifacts for the project version have been purged.
isAt(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isAttachLogsAlways() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns true if the Attach Logs system setting is set to Always
isAttachLogsNever() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns true if the Attach Logs system setting is set to Never
isAttachLogsOnFailure() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
Returns true if the Attach Logs system setting is set to On Failure
isBoolean(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isBuild() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
isBuildEnvironment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Returns whether this environment is a build environment.
isBuildOrDeployOrUtilityProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isBuildOrUtilityProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isBuildOrUtilityProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isBuildProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isBuildProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isBuildSuccessful() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns whether the build represented by the project version is successful.
isBuildWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isBuildWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns whether this request is a build request.
isBuildWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isChanged() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
isChangeDetected() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
isCMSConfigured() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
isCMSConfigured() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
isCMSConfigured() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
isColon(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isConfigureCommandsPermitted() - Method in class
isConfigureFilesPermitted() - Method in class
isConfigurePermitted() - Method in class
isConsumesArtifacts() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isConsumesArtifactsDelegated(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
isContainerProject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
isContainerProject() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns whether this project is a Container project.
isCreatePermitted() - Method in class
isDash(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isDeploy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
isDeployAllEnvironments() - Method in class
isDeployerGroup() - Method in class
isDeployOrPreDeployProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployOrPreDeployProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployOrPreDeployWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isDeployOrUtilityProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployOrUtilityProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployOrUtilityWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isDeployOrUtilityWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isDeployProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isDeployTarget() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Returns whether this instance is defined as a deploy target.
isDeployWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isDeployWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns whether this request is a deploy request.
isDeployWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isDigit(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isDisplayed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isDoPolling() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Returns whether polling is enabled for checking CMS Ticket status.
isDoPolling() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
isDot(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isDouble(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isEmailMember() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isEmpty(Map) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
isEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns whether the release property is encrypted.
isEndpointExecutionDelegated(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
isEndpointSelectionDelegated(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
isExceptionToWindow() - Method in class
isExecutePermitted() - Method in class
isExecutionAborting() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Returns whether an abort signal was received for the current plugin execution.
isExpression() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
isExternalGateCompleted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
isFailed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns whether the test definition execution status is FAILED.
isFailed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns whether the test case execution status is FAILED.
isFailed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns whether the test execution status is FAILED.
isFailed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns whether the test set execution status is FAILED.
isFirstActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
isFloat(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isForce() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns whether "force" was selected for this request.
isForceDeploy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
isForceDeploy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Returns whether "force deploy" was selected on the submit build/deploy request.
isForceDeploy(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project is set to "Force" deploy.
isForceDeploy(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project and package is set to "Force" deploy.
isGlassfish() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isGroupMember() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
isGroupMemberOfPipelineRole(Long, Long, Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
isHasAccess() - Method in class
isHasMore() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
isInactivateMissingFilesPermitted() - Method in class
isInactive() - Method in class
isInitialValueExpression() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isInteger(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isIsEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
Returns whether or not this property value is encrypted
isIsOverridden() - Method in class
isITSConfigured() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
isLastActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
isLetter(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isLong(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isMainStream() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Returns whether this stream is the main stream.
isMetaDataOnlyProjectObject(ProjectObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
isMultiselect() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isNextActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
isNonUtilityProjectsExists() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
isNoOverrideDeploy(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project is set to "No Override" for deployment.
isNoOverrideDeploy(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project and package is set to "No Override" for deployment.
isNotEmpty(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isNotEmpty(Collection) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isNotEmpty(Map) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isNotEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isNumberValueValidBasedOnMinMaxRange() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
Method validates the Min Max range for the Number data type input values
isNumberValueValidBasedOnMinMaxRange() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Method validates the Min Max range for the Number data type input values
isOtherProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isOtherProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isParentheses(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isPartialDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Returns whether this project is configured for "partial deployment"
isPartialDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Returns whether this project is a Partial Deployment project.
isPartialDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns whether the release project is a partial deployment project.
isPartialDeployment() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns whether the snapshot version project is a partial deployment project.
isPartialDeployments() - Method in class
isPassed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns whether the test definition execution status is PASSED.
isPassed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns whether the test case execution status is PASSED.
isPassed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns whether the test execution status is PASSED.
isPassed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns whether the test set execution status is PASSED.
isPostRefresh() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isPreDeployProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isPreDeployProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isPreDeployWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isPreDeployWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isPreviousActive() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
isPrintCommand() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns whether to print the command during execution
isPrintEnvVariables() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Returns whether to print environment variables during execution
isPrintOutput() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
If set to capture logs, and setPrintOutput(false), then the output is only stored in memory.
isProcessRunning(String...) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.OSCommands
Check for process with command line.
isProcessRunning(String...) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.UnixCommands
isProcessRunning(String...) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.WindowsCommands
isProducesArtifacts() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isProducesArtifactsDelegated(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
isPropertyEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
isReadPermitted() - Method in class
isRepairNeeded() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
Check the plugin's directory and see if it exists and is not empty.
isRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Returns whether the build version is for "all files" in the project.
isRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Returns whether "all files" is selected for the release project.
isRequestAllFiles() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Returns whether "all files" is selected for the project in the snapshot version.
isRequestPreDeploy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
isRequired() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isRequired() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isRoleMappingEnabled() - Method in class
isRunning() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Returns whether the test definition execution status is RUNNING.
isRunning() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Returns whether the test case execution status is RUNNING.
isRunning() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Returns whether the test execution status is RUNNING.
isRunning() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Returns whether the test set execution status is RUNNING.
isRunningInContainer() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isRunningInGlassfish() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isRunningInTomcat() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isRunningInWebLogic() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isSCMSourceType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
isSecure() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyObjectValue
Returns whether this property is secure
isSecure() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.EnvironmentKeyValue
Returns whether the environment variable is secure
isSelected() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
isSelected() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
isSendLogAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Returns whether plugin log attachments should be included in notification.
isShowNotesAndSendAttachments() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Returns whether notes and notes attachments should be included in notification.
isSkipDeploy(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project is set to "Skip" deploy.
isSkipDeploy(Long, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Returns whether the given project and package is set to "Skip" deploy.
isSpace(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isSquareBracket(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isStartsWithLetter(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isStopOnPkgError() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Returns whether "stop on package error" was selected for this request.
isSuccessful() - Method in class
isSymbolicLink(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Returns true if file represents symbolic link.
isTestProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isTestProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isTestWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isTestWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isTicketApproved(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Checks if the given CMS Ticket is approved for an environment.
isTicketApproved(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
isTicketRejected(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Checks if the given CMS Ticket is rejected for an environment.
isTicketRejected(CMSObject, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
isTicketRequiredForDeploy() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.service.ChangeManagementSystemService
isTomcat() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isUnderscore(char) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isUserMember() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
isUtilityProjectRequest() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
isUtilityProjectWFType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isUtilityProjectWFType(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
isUtilityWorkflow() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isUtilityWorkflowType() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
isValueEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
isValueEncrypted() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isValueValidBasedOnRequiredFlag() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isValueValidBasedOnRequiredFlag() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Method validates if there is a Valid Value exists when the isRequired flag is set to true.
isValueValidBasedOnValidatorScript(ReleaseProjectWrapper, String, Map<Long, Instance>, String, String, ProjectStreamDefaultVORowImpl, String, String, TriggerTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isValueValidBasedOnValidatorScript(WorkflowRequestCreate) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isValueValidBasedOnValidatorScript(ProjectTriggerDefMap, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isValueValidBasedOnValidatorScript(ReleaseProjectWrapper, String, Map<Long, Instance>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
isViewLogsPermitted() - Method in class
isVisible() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
isWebLogic() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isWeekday() - Method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
isWeekend() - Method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
isWindows() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
isWindows() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
isWindows() - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
isWorkflowRequestCreateAllowed() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
Method determines whether to create the Workflow request.
ITSInstancePojo - Class in
ITSInstancePojo() - Constructor for class


jar(File, File) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.JarTool
JarTool - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
JarTool() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.JarTool
JAVA_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
JAVA_SP_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants


KeyValue(String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyReplacementContext.KeyValue
Creates a key/value pair
KubernetesConfiguration - Class in
KubernetesConfiguration() - Constructor for class


last() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
list(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
checks for access issues, if null is returned from list, it means that this process can not access that folder.
listFiles(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
checks for access issues, if null is returned from listFiles, it means that this process can not access that folder.
listFilesNewerThan(File, long) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
listFilesOlderThan(File, long) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
listStringToString(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
loadClass(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
loadProperties(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Loads properties file using Absolute path or Class path.
log() - Method in exception flexagon.fd.core.exceptions.FlexRemotePluginException
log() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Logs exception information on initialization
LogChange - Class in flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos
Object containing the change of a single file for a commit/checkin to source control.
LogChange(String, ChangeActionTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
LogFunctions - Class in
Log Functions for logging messages and capturing status messages
LogFunctions(boolean) - Constructor for class
login() - Method in class
logOnInit() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Checks whether to log on initialization of this exception
logOnInit() - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
LogPoint - Class in flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos
Object containing all information for any given single commit/checkin for a source control system.
LogPoint() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
LOV_LIST_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY_DATATYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants


main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.Tester
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.Encryption
main(String[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.utils.FlexConcatPaths
makePipelineStageCompletedMessage(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Pipeline Stage Complete Event for Teams messaging.
makePipelineStageCompletedMessage(Object) - Method in class
Creates a PipelineStageCompleted Event message that can be posted via postMessage.
makePipelineStageCompletedMessageForWebhook(Object) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Pipeline Stage Complete Event for Teams messaging.
makeSnapshotCompleteMessage(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Snapshot Complete Event for Teams messaging.
makeSnapshotCompleteMessage(Object) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Snapshot Complete Event for Teams messaging.
makeSnapshotCompleteMessage(Object) - Method in class
Creates a SnapshotCompleted Event message that can be posted via postMessage.
makeTaskCompletedMessage(Object, boolean) - Method in class
makeTaskCreatedMessage(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Task Created Event for Teams messaging.
makeTaskCreatedMessage(Object, Boolean) - Method in class
Creates a TaskCreated Event message that can be posted via postMessage.
makeTaskCreatedMessageForWebhook(Object, String) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Task Created Event for Teams messaging.
makeWorkflowCompletedMessage(Object, boolean) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Workflow Completed Event for Teams messaging.
makeWorkflowCompletedMessage(Object, Boolean) - Method in class
Creates a WorkflowCompleted Event message that can be posted via postMessage.
makeWorkflowCompletedMessageForWebhook(Object) - Method in class
Generates a formatted message for the Workflow Completed Event for Teams messaging.
mAllFilesRequested - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mAllFilesRequested - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mApplicationName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
markEnd() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
MARKER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
markStart(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPartialDeployPluginProvider
marshal(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.Adapter1
marshal(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.BuildManifestXMLUtil
marshal(DeployResult) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.DeployResultsXMLUtil
marshal(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.Adapter1
matchesAllSearchTexts(String, List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
matchesAnySearchText(String, List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
mAttributeGroupName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
maxResponseTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
mCMSConfigured - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mCMSConfigured - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mCMSTicketList - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mCode - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mColumnName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mContext - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
mCoreCreateRequest - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mCoreCreateRequest - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mCreatedBy - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mCreatedBy - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mCreatedOn - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
MD5Checksum - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
MD5Checksum() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.MD5Checksum
mDataKey - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
mDataType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
mDataType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDataValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
mDefaultValueScript - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDeploymentStrategy - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mDescription - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDisplayColumns - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDisplayName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDisplayRows - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mDummy - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
MEDIA_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
mediatype(String) - Method in class
Sets media type that will be used for builder.
mediatype(MediaType) - Method in class
Sets media type that will be used for builder.
mEnvironment - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
message - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
METADATA_TYPE_INPUT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
METADATA_TYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
METADATA_TYPE_VARIABLE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
mFinishDeployment - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mFlexFields - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
mFolderId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mFolderId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mFolderRequestId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mFolderRequestId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mFolderVersionId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mFolderVersionId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mGroupRequestId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mHumanTaskDataObject - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
MicrosoftTeamsFunctions - Class in
Utility functions for Microsoft Teams
MicrosoftTeamsFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard - Class in flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
mInputs - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
minResponseTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
mInstances - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mIsActive - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mIsAppRequest - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mIsEmergency - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mIsEncrypted - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
mIsExpression - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
mIsForce - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mIsPartialDeployment - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mIsRequired - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
MISSING_FILE_MESSAGE_PREFIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
mITSConfigured - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mkdirs() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
mLength - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mMaxValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mMessage - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mMinValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mNewWeight - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mNonUtilityProjectsExists - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mNotificationEventTypeEnum - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
mNotificationMediumEnum - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
mObjectName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
MockPackageObject - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
MockPackageObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.MockPackageObject
MockProjectObject - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
MockProjectObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.MockProjectObject
MockWorkflowExecutionContext - Class in flexagon.fd.core.workflow
MockWorkflowExecutionContext is used for testing plugins.
MockWorkflowExecutionContext() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
Create a MockWorkflowExecutionContext with no inputs.
MockWorkflowExecutionContext(Map<String, PropertyValue>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
Create a MockWorkflowExecutionContext with no inputs.
mOldWeight - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPackageBuildType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPackageName - Variable in class
mPackageName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mPackageName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPassInContext - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
mPipelineAttachments - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
mPipelineNotes - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
mPipelineStageStepExecId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPredeployStartTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPreDeployWorkflowExecId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mPriority - Variable in class
mPriority - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mProjectId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
mProjectId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
mProjectId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectIsActive - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectRequests - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mProjectType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectVersion - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mProjectVersionId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
mProjectVersionId - Variable in class
mProjectVersionId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectVersionIds - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectVersionName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
mProjectVersionName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProjectWorkflowId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mProperties - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
mPropertyReplacementContext - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.AbstractPropertyReplacement
mReleaseDefId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRelSnapshotId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRequestFlexfields - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRequestInputs - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRequestPackageDetails - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRequestsList - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mRequestsList - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mRoutRule - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mSAdditionalHTML - Variable in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
mScheduledBuildExpression - Variable in class
mSCMInfo - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mSTableEntries - Variable in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
mStartTime - Variable in class
mStartTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mStopDeploymentWhenPackageFails - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mStopOnError - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mTicketsList - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
mTicketsList - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mTriggerType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mUseLatestPackageVersion - Variable in class
mValidationScript - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
mValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mValue - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
mVisible - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
mWorkflowId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mWorkflowRequestPriority - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mWorkflowType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
mWorkflowVersionOverride - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
mWorkflowVersionOverrideId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate


name - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
next() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
NO - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
NOT_CONFIGURED_PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
NotifApplicationRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing a application request.
NotifApplicationRequest(FolderRequestDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationRequest
Creates the notification payload
NotifApplicationTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing an application approval task.
NotifApplicationTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifApplicationTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifEnvironment - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy environment.
NotifEnvironment(EnvironmentDetails) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifEnvironment
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database/cache.
NotifExecutionTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotifExecutionTask(ProjectWorkflowExecutionTasksQueryResultRow) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifExecutionTask
Create an instance of this object from query result row.
NotifFileState - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents the state of a file deployed to an environment within a FlexDeploy package for a Partial Deployment project.
NotifFileState(String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFileState
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifFlexfield - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy FlexField.
NotifFlexfield(String, String, String, DataTypeEnum, Serializable) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFlexfield
Creates a FlexDeploy FlexField.
NotifFolder - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Folder or Application.
NotifFolder() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Creates a FlexDeploy folder.
NotifFolderVersion - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a version of a FlexDeploy Application-level build.
NotifFolderVersion(FolderVersionDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolderVersion
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifGate - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a Gate within a FlexDeploy pipeline stage.
NotifGate(PipelineStageGateDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifGate
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotificationFunctions - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions
NotificationFunctions() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.functions.NotificationFunctions
NotificationPayload - Interface in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Interface for all Notification Template payloads, representing data which is used to build template content.
NotificationPreviewRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotificationPreviewRequest() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
NotificationPreviewResponse - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotificationPreviewResponse() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
NotificationRecipient - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotificationRecipient() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
NotificationRecipient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
NotificationTestRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotificationTestRequest() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
NotificationTestResponse - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotificationTestResponse() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestResponse
NotifInput - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy workflow request Input.
NotifInput(WorkflowRequestInputDataObject, String, String, DataTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInput
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifInstance - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Instance from the Topology.
NotifInstance(InstanceDetails) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifInstance
Create an instance of this object from the information retrieved from the Instance cache.
NotifOutput - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy output returned from a workflow.
NotifOutput(String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifOutput
Creates am Ouput for the given name and value.
NotifPackageFile - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a file within a FlexDeploy package for a Partial Deployment project in a Release.
NotifPackageFile(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPackageFile
Creates a package file for a revision or for a Release.
NotifPartialDeploymentFileResult - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
NotifPartialDeploymentFileResult(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPartialDeploymentFileResult
NotifPipelineGateRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
NotifPipelineGateRequest(PipelineStageGateExecDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateRequest
NotifPipelineGateTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing an approval task for a pipeline gate.
NotifPipelineGateTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineGateTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifPipelineStageExecInfo - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents the Execution Info of a pipeline stage execution.
NotifPipelineStageExecInfo(Long) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPipelineStageExecInfo
Creates the Execution Info for the give pipeline stage execution id.
NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing a pipeline step execution request.
NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest(PipelineStageStepExecDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepExectionRequest
Creates the notification payload
NotifPipelineStepRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
NotifPipelineStepRequest(PipelineStageStepExecDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepRequest
NotifPipelineStepTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing an approval task for a pipeline step.
NotifPipelineStepTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifPipelineStepTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifProject - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy project.
NotifProject(CachedProjectSummary, NotifFolder) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProject
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifProjectReviewTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing a pre-deploy review task for a project deployment request.
NotifProjectReviewTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectReviewTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifProjectState - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents the deployment state of a package file within an environment and instance for a Partial Deployment project.
NotifProjectState(Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, Timestamp) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectState
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifProjectTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing a project approval task.
NotifProjectTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifProjectVersion - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a versioned project build.
NotifProjectVersion(ProjectVersionDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersion
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifProjectVersionFile - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a file within a FlexDeploy project version for a Partial Deployment project in a Release.
NotifProjectVersionFile(String, Integer, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersionFile
Creates a package file for a revision or for a Release.
NotifProjectWorkflowRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Notification Template payload representing a project workflow request.
NotifProjectWorkflowRequest(WorkflowRequestDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifProjectWorkflowRequest
Creates the notification payload
NotifRelease - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Release.
NotifRelease(RelDefinitionDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifRelease
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifReleaseProject - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a project/package within a release.
NotifReleaseProject(RelProjectDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProject
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifReleaseProperty - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
An object representing a release property.
NotifReleaseProperty(String, String, DataTypeEnum, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Contructs a release property from the given metadata and value.
NotifReportData - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy report file from the workflow execution.
NotifReportData() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
NotifScmLog - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a Scm log of a file within a FlexDeploy package for a Partial Deployment project.
NotifScmLog(String, String, String, Timestamp) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifScmLog
NotifSnapshot - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a Snapshot for a release.
NotifSnapshot(RelSnapshotDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshot
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifSnapshotVariable - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
An object representing a release snapshot variable.
NotifSnapshotVariable(String, DataTypeEnum, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Contructs a release snapshot variable from the given metadata and value.
NotifSnapshotVersion - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents the version of the project/package contained within the release snapshot.
NotifSnapshotVersion(RelSnapshotVersionDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVersion
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifStep - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a Step within a FlexDeploy pipeline stage.
NotifStep(PipelineStageStepDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStep
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifStream - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy project Stream.
NotifStream(ProjectStreamDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifStream
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifTask - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload
Abstract Notification Template payload base class for FlexDeploy task events.
NotifTask(HumanTaskDataObject, String, NotificationMediumEnum, NotificationEventTypeEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.NotifTask
Creates the notification payload
NotifTestDefinitionRun - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents the detail of a FlexDeploy Test Definition execution.
NotifTestDefinitionRun(String, String, List<NotifTestResult>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestDefinitionRun
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifTestResult - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Test Automation Framework test case result.
NotifTestResult(String, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestResult
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifTestRun - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Test Automation Framework execution.
NotifTestRun(String, String, List<NotifTestSetRun>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestRun
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifTestSetRun - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy Test Automation Framework test set execution.
NotifTestSetRun(String, String, List<NotifTestDefinitionRun>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifTestSetRun
Creates an instance of this object with the given state information.
NotifWorkflow - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy workflow.
NotifWorkflow(ProjectWorkflowDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflow
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifWorkflowExecution - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy workflow execution.
NotifWorkflowExecution(WorkflowExecutionDataObject, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowExecution
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.
NotifWorkflowRequest - Class in flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos
Represents a FlexDeploy workflow request.
NotifWorkflowRequest(WorkflowRequestDataObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifWorkflowRequest
Create an instance of this object from the information stored in the database.


oauth(String) - Method in class
Sets mAuth using the OAuth token provided that will be used for builder.
OBJ_TYPE_AOL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_ARTIFACT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_CONF - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_CP_SQL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_DATA_FIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_DB_OBJECT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_DVM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_FAST_FORMULA - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_FLEXFIELDS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_FONT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_FORM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_HTML - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_IGNORE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_ISG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_JAVA - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_JAVA_SP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_JLT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_LIBRARY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_LOOKUPS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_MEDIA - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_MENU - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_MIGRATION_PACKAGE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OAF_MDS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OBIEE_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_GLOBAL_ELEMENT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_GLOBAL_RESOURCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_PAGE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_SITE_SETTINGS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_SNIPPETS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_STACK - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_STATIC - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_THEME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OCC_WIDGET - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OIC_INTEGRATION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OTBI_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_OTHER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_PM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_PROG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_PUBLISHER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_REPORT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_SCRIPT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_SETUP_TASK - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_SETUPS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_SQL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_SQL_LDR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_USER_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_VALUE_SET - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_WEB_ADI - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_WORKFLOW_DEF - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_WORKFLOW_XML - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_WSDL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_XDF - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_XREF - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_XSD - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJ_TYPE_XSLT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
Object - Class in
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Object() - Constructor for class
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_CONTROL_FILE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_CUSTOM_MODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_PARAMS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_AOL_UPLOAD_MODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_DEPLOY_COMMAND - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_COMPILE_ALL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_COUNTRY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_MODULE_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_PARAMS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_STAGE_LOCATION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_FORMS_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JAVA_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JAVA_SP_FORCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JAVA_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JLT_JDBC_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JLT_LANG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_JLT_MODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_MDS_ROOT_DIR - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_MIGRATION_PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_LOB_CODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_LOB_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_NLS_LANG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_TERRITORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLISHER_XDO_FILE_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_REPORTS_COUNTRY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_SOURCE_SCM - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_SQL_SCHEMA - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_SQL_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_SQLLDR_LOG_FILE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_LOCATION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_WFD_UPLOAD_MODE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_WFX_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_WFX_FORCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_WFX_JDBC_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_WFX_LANG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_XDF_JDBC_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_XDF_PRIMARY_OBJECT_PASSWORD - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_XDF_PRIMARY_OBJECT_SCHEMA - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_XDF_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_XSL_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_RESULTS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_OBJECT_TYPE_SQL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_SERVICE_ALIAS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_SERVICE_TYPE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_SERVICE_TYPE_REST - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
OBJECT_TYPE_ISG_SERVICE_TYPE_SOAP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
ObjectFactory - Class in
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
ObjectFactory - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
ObjectFactory - Class in flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
objectHash - Variable in class
objectHash - Variable in class
objectPath - Variable in class
objectPath - Variable in class
objectPath - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
objectTypeCode - Variable in class
objectTypeCode - Variable in class
objectTypeCode - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
OIC_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
OIC_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
OIC_INTEGRATION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
OIC_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
OPTIONAL_PROPERTY_VALUE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
options() - Method in class
OSCommands - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
OSCommands() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.OSCommands
output - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase


PackageDeployment - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
PackageDeployment() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
PackageDetailsRequestPojo - Class in
PackageDetailsRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
PackageDetailsResponsePojo - Class in
PackageDetailsResponsePojo() - Constructor for class
PackageFilePojo - Class in
PackageFilePojo() - Constructor for class
PackageInfo - Class in
PackageInfo() - Constructor for class
PackageObject - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
PackageObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
packageObjectId - Variable in class
packageObjectId - Variable in class
packageObjectId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
ParameterMap - Class in
ParameterMap() - Constructor for class
password(String) - Method in class
patch(String) - Method in class
patch(Entity) - Method in class
patchRequest(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PATCH request using basic authentication
patchRequest(String, String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PATCH request using basic authentication
patchRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PATCH request using bearer token to authenticate
patchRequest(String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PATCH request using bearer token to authenticate
Path - Variable in class
path(String) - Method in class
Appends a path to the url
pauseRelease(String) - Method in class
Pause a FlexDeploy Release.
pauseRelease(Long) - Method in class
Pause a FlexDeploy Release.
PERF_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PERF_DEPOT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PERF_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PERF_LABEL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PERF_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PermissionActionDetail - Class in
PermissionActionDetail() - Constructor for class
PIPELINE_SYSTEM_USERID_GATE_WORKER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PipelineExecutionPojo - Class in
PipelineExecutionPojo() - Constructor for class
PipelineProperty - Class in
PipelineProperty() - Constructor for class
PipelineRoleMember - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
PipelineRoleMember() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
PipelineRoleMember(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
PipelineStageExecutionPojo - Class in
PipelineStageExecutionPojo() - Constructor for class
PLUGIN_RESULT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
PluginDetails - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
PluginDetails(Long, String, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
PluginExecutionData - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
For 4.5, adding logic to perform Pagination, which should help performance when there is too much log data and server would not hang.
PluginExecutionData() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
PluginLogPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
PluginLogPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
PluginObjectResults - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
A model to assist in creating partial deploy plugins and updating the status of files as you go.
PluginObjectResults(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Creates a new PluginObjectResults with a current timestamp for start time and with all the objects in it set to NOT_ATTEMPTED.
PluginObjectResults(WorkflowExecutionContext, DeployStatusEnum) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Creates a new PluginObjectResults with a current timestamp for start time and with all the objects in it set to the value of pInitialStatus.
PluginOperation - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
PluginOperation() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
PluginOperationPojo - Class in
PluginOperationPojo() - Constructor for class
PluginOperationPojo(Long, String) - Constructor for class
PluginProvider - Interface in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
PluginProxy - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
PluginProxy(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
PluginProxy(String, WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
PluginResult - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
PluginResult() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginResult
PLUGINS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PluginXML - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
Utility class to handle Plugin XML Data.
PluginXML(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
PluginZIP - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
PluginZip utility either create instance using InputStream to the Zip file or using List of String data read from database.
PluginZIP(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
PluginZIP(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
PluginZIP(String, Map<Integer, String>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
PollingResult - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous
Object containing all information from one 'Poll' to the other.
PollingResult() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
populateFiles(Long, Long) - Method in class
Populate partial deployment files for a given project.
PopulateFilesRequestPojo - Class in
PopulateFilesRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
populateFrom(FolderOrProjectPermissionsSummary) - Method in class
PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
PopulateFromBackendRequestPojo - Class in
PopulateFromBackendRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
PopulateFromSalesforceRequestPojo - Class in
PopulateFromSalesforceRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
populatePipelineAttachmentsAndNotes(Long, PipelineAttachmentParentTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
post(String) - Method in class
post(Entity) - Method in class
postAttachment(String, String, InputStream, String, String) - Method in class
Uploads an attachment to the given slack channel.
postAttachment(String, String, File, String, String) - Method in class
Uploads an attachment to the given slack channel.
postMessage(String, String, FlexSlackMessage) - Method in class
Posts a slack message using JSON formatted based on Slack API.
postMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class
Posts a slack message using JSON formatted based on Slack API.
postRequest(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke POST request using basic authentication
postRequest(String, String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke POST request using basic authentication
postRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke POST request using bearer token to authenticate
postRequest(String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke POST request using bearer token to authenticate
postSimpleMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class
Posts a simple slack message to the specified channel.
prepareTempFileCollectionFolder(File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.FlexBuildArtifacts
Overridden by subclasses to add any files to the collection folder which should be part of the zip even if they are not included in package.
previous() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
processForAdminGroups(List<Long>) - Method in class
Project - Class in flexagon.fd.core
Represents a FlexDeploy project.
Project() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Default constructor for creating a Project
Project(Long, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Project(Long, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Project
Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core
Defines an enumerated type for FlexDeploy "workflow types".
PROJECT_SOURCES_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
ProjectBuildInfo - Class in
ProjectBuildInfo() - Constructor for class
ProjectBuildRequestInput - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
Simple POJO to hold various attributes for Build Request, instead of passing loose values in method arguments
ProjectBuildRequestInput() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
ProjectClassificationEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.enums
ProjectDeployInfo - Class in
ProjectDeployInfo() - Constructor for class
ProjectFile - Class in
ProjectFile() - Constructor for class
ProjectFlexfields - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
ProjectFlexfields() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
ProjectInputs - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
ProjectInputs() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
ProjectObject - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo
ProjectObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
ProjectObject - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
ProjectObject() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectObject
ProjectObjectDependencyPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
ProjectObjectDependencyPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
projectObjectId - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
projectObjects - Variable in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
ProjectPackagePojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
ProjectPackagePojo(Long, String, Long) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
ProjectPackagePojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
ProjectPojo - Class in
ProjectPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectPreDeployInfo - Class in
ProjectPreDeployInfo() - Constructor for class
ProjectPromotionPojo - Class in
ProjectPromotionPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectSCMPojo - Class in
ProjectSCMPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectStreamPojo - Class in
ProjectStreamPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.enums
An enumerated type defining a FlexDeploy project type.
ProjectVersion - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
ProjectVersion() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
ProjectVersionData - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
ProjectVersionData() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
ProjectVersionPojo - Class in
ProjectVersionPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectWFRequestPojo - Class in
ProjectWFRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
ProjectWorkflow - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
ProjectWorkflow(Long) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
Properties - Class in flexagon.fd.core
Represents a collection of properties contained within the WorkflowExecutionContext.
Properties() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_LONG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_DATATYPE_STRING - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PROPERTY_NOT_CONFIGURED - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
PropertyObjectValue - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
Represents a FlexDeploy property as a String key and Object Value, and identifies whether it is secured (e.g.
PropertyObjectValue(String, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyObjectValue
Creates a PropertyObjectValue object
PropertyReplacementContext - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
WorkflowExecutionContext wrapper used by AbstractPropertyReplacement implementations to extract properties used for replacement.
PropertyReplacementContext(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyReplacementContext
Creates a PropertyReplacementContext wrappering the given workflow execution context
PropertyReplacementContext.KeyValue - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
A simple POJO representing a property key and value pair within a PropertyReplacementContext.
PropertyValue - Class in flexagon.fd.core
Represents a property value returned the Properties stored within the WorkflowExecutionContext.
PropertyValue(Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, Boolean) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
INTERNAL USE ONLY - this is a constructor that defaults isExpression to false for use with plugin testcases that were made before the constructor below.
PropertyValue(Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
PropertyValue() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core
Enumerated type representing the data types of property values
PUB_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
put(String) - Method in class
put(Entity) - Method in class
putRequest(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PUT request using basic authentication
putRequest(String, String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PUT request using basic authentication
putRequest(String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PUT request using bearer token to authenticate
putRequest(String, String, String, Map<String, Serializable>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Invoke PUT request using bearer token to authenticate
PVCS_BRANCH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_LABEL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_PROJECT_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_PROMOTIONGROUP - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
PVCS_USING_PG - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants


queryparameters(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Sets mQueryParameters that are used for builder.
queryparameters(String) - Method in class
quote(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils


read(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Reads a File into a List<String>
read(InputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Reads an input stream into a List<String>
readAsMap(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
This method will not work if the file has 2 or more = signs on a line.
readBytesFromFile(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
readFileAsString(File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
readFileAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
ReflectionComparator - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.utils
Utility comparator to use one attribute compare using Reflection.
ReflectionComparator(String) - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.ReflectionComparator
rejectTask(String, String, String, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
rejectTask(String, String, String) - Method in class
Reject a FlexDeploy Task.
rejectTaskByEmails(Set<String>, String, String, DevOpsRestAM) - Method in class
ReleaseBuildMonitor - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleaseBuildMonitor() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
ReleaseDetailsPOJO - Class in
ReleaseDetailsPOJO() - Constructor for class
ReleasePojo - Class in
ReleasePojo() - Constructor for class
ReleaseProjectDefinition - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleaseProjectDefinition() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
ReleaseProjectDefinition(Long, Long, String, String) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
ReleaseProjectDetailsPOJO - Class in
ReleaseProjectDetailsPOJO() - Constructor for class
ReleaseProjectsPojo - Class in
Simple pojo representing a FlexDeploy Project on a Release definition
ReleaseProjectsPojo() - Constructor for class
ReleaseProjectsPojo(Long) - Constructor for class
This constructor should be used when working with a non partial project
ReleaseProjectsPojo(Long, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class
This constructor should be used when working with a partial project
ReleasePropertyPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleasePropertyPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
ReleaseSnapshot - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleaseSnapshot() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
removeFile(String) - Method in class
removeProjectsFromRelease(String, List<ReleaseProjectsPojo>) - Method in class
Remove FlexDeploy projects from a given release.
rename(File, File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
replace(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.AbstractPropertyReplacement
Replaces any properties within the given source with the key/values found in the PropertyReplacementContext.
replaceAll() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.FilePropertyReplacement
Replaces all properties within the given source file with the key/values found in the PropertyReplacementContext.
replaceAll() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.InMemoryPropertyReplacement
Replaces all properties within the source with the key/values found in the WorkflowExecutionContext or PropertyReplacementContext.
replaceProperties(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.StringPropertyReplacement
Replaces all properties within the given source with the key/values found in the PropertyReplacementContext.
REPORTS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
reset() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexTimeWatch
ResourceType - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin
ResourceType() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
RestFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used for making REST calls
RestFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
RestFunctions(boolean) - Constructor for class
Revision - Class in flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos
Revision() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
REVISION_SUFFIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants


SalesforcePackageWrapper - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
SalesforcePackageWrapper(Package) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SalesforcePackageWrapper
SCM_CHANGES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SCMInstancePojo - Class in
This class is for SCM Instance Integration REST API
SCMInstancePojo() - Constructor for class
scmRevision - Variable in class
SCMTypeEnum - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.enums
An enumerated type defining the supported Source Control Management (SCM) Systems.
searchList(List<String>, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
SECONDARYREVISION_SUFFIX - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SecurityActionTypeMetadata - Class in
SecurityActionTypeMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class
SecurityPermissionMetadata - Class in
SecurityPermissionMetadata(String, List<SecurityActionTypeMetadata>, String) - Constructor for class
SecurityRealm - Class in
SecurityRealm() - Constructor for class
sendEmail(String, String, Long) - Method in class
Sends an email using FlexDeploy's System Settings SMTP information to all users associated with FlexDeploy security group of specified Id.
sendEmail(String, String, Long, List<EmailAttachment>) - Method in class
Sends an email using FlexDeploy's System Settings SMTP information to all users associated with FlexDeploy security group of specified Id.
sendEmail(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class
Sends an email using FlexDeploy's System Settings SMTP information to the list of email addresses specified.
sendEmail(String, String, List<String>, List<EmailAttachment>) - Method in class
Sends an email using FlexDeploy's System Settings SMTP information to the list of email addresses specified.
sendLogAttachments(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Sets whether plugin logs should be attached to the notification.
sendTeamsMessage(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to a team channel.
sendTeamsMessage(String, TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo, String, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to a team channel.
sendTeamsWebhookMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to an Incoming Webhook assiciated to a team channel.
sendTeamsWebhookMessage(String, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to a team channel.
sendUserTeamsMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to a user channel.
sendUserTeamsMessage(String, UserMessageRequestPojo, String) - Method in class
Sends a Microsoft Teams message to a user channel.
SERIALIZATION_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
SerializationUtil - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
serialize(Serializable, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
serializeEncrypted(Serializable, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.SerializationUtil
setABManifests(List<String>) - Method in class
setAbortSignal(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.SignalCache
setAccountCode(String) - Method in class
setAction(String) - Method in class
setActionType(String) - Method in class
setActionType(ChangeActionTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
setActionTypeDisplayString(String) - Method in class
setActive(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
setActive(String) - Method in class
setActive(boolean) - Method in class
setActive(boolean) - Method in class
setActive(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets whether this folder is active or not.
setActivityTitle(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
setAddFileFilter(String) - Method in class
setAdditionalParams(String) - Method in class
setAdminGroup(boolean) - Method in class
setAdministrator(boolean) - Method in class
setAllFilesRequested(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setAllFilesRequested(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setAllFilesRequested(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setApplication(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets whether this Folder represents an Application.
setApplicationId(Long) - Method in class
setApplicationId(Long) - Method in class
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class
setApplicationName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setApplications(List<Long>) - Method in class
setAttribute1(String) - Method in class
setAttribute1(String) - Method in class
setAttribute10(String) - Method in class
setAttribute2(String) - Method in class
setAttribute2(String) - Method in class
setAttribute3(String) - Method in class
setAttribute3(String) - Method in class
setAttribute4(String) - Method in class
setAttribute5(String) - Method in class
setAttribute6(String) - Method in class
setAttribute7(String) - Method in class
setAttribute8(String) - Method in class
setAttribute9(String) - Method in class
setAttributes(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setAttributes(List<AttributeComboPojo>) - Method in class
setAuthor(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
setAvgResponseTime(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the avgResponseTime property.
setBaseDirectory(String) - Method in class
setBaseInstallDirectory(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setBlueGreenManifests(List<String>) - Method in class
setBuildEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
setBuildEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setBuildEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setBuildEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
setBuildEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setBuildEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setBuildEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setBuildEnvironmentIdAndCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
setBuildEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setBuildInfo(ProjectBuildInfo) - Method in class
setBuildInstance(Instance) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.PopulateFromBackendInputPOJO
setBuildSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setCanaryManifests(List<String>) - Method in class
setCaptureLogs(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets whether standard out and standard error logs from the process should be trapped.
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setChangeDetected() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setChangeFile(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
setChangeManagementSystemName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Sets the name of the CMS to be displayed under Change Management Systems
setChangeTicket(String) - Method in class
setChangeTicket(String) - Method in class
setChangeTickets(List<String>) - Method in class
setChannel(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
setChannelName(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
setChart(String) - Method in class
setChatName(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.UserMessageRequestPojo
setCMSConfigured(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setCMSConfigured(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setCmsSystemId(Long) - Method in class
setCMSTicketList(List<CMSObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
setCode(String) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class
setCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setCode(String) - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException
Sets the exception code.
setCode(String) - Method in exception flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexRuntimeException
setColor(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Set a color theme for the message, note this color only shows up if the slack message has additional fields
setColumnName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setCommands(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets the commands to execute for this external process.
setCommitDate(Date) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setCommitDate(Date) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setCommitDate(Date) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
setCommitMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setCommitter(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setCommitterEmail(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setCommitUser(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setComponentTemplates(Map<String, String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
setConfigureCommandsPermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setConfigureFilesPermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setConfigurePermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setConnectionType(String) - Method in class
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets connect timeout on client.
setConsumesArtifacts(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setContainer(DockerStream.Container) - Method in class
setContainerConfiguration(ContainerConfiguration) - Method in class
setContainerName(String) - Method in class
setContainerProject(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setContentType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
The content type of the report file
setCoreCreateRequest(CoreCreateRequest) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setCoreCreateRequest(CoreCreateRequest) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setCreatedBy(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setCreatedOn(Timestamp) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setCreatedOn(Date) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setCreatePermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setCurrentGateName(String) - Method in class
setCurrentStepName(String) - Method in class
setCustomPolicyBundle(String) - Method in class
setDataKey(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
setDataType(PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
setDataType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setDataType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
setDataType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDataValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
setDate(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
setDefaultValueScript(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDependentObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setDependentObjectType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setDependentObjectTypeId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setDependentProjectObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setDeployableEnvironments(String) - Method in class
setDeployAllEnvironments(boolean) - Method in class
setDeployEnvironments(List<String>) - Method in class
setDeployerGroup(boolean) - Method in class
setDeployInfo(ProjectDeployInfo) - Method in class
setDeploymentName(String) - Method in class
setDeploymentStrategy(DeploymentStrategyEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setDeployObjects(List<DeployObjectResult>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
setDeployPriority(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setDeployPriority(Integer) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's description
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setDescription(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets the optional description for this Folder.
setDetails(List<PermissionActionDetail>) - Method in class
setDetails(List<PermissionActionDetail>) - Method in class
setDisplayColumns(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDisplayColumns(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
setDisplayRows(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setDisplayRows(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setDisplayValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Method used to Encrypt the pValue when isEncrypted() is set to TRUE and store it as the Input Value via setValue() method.
setDockerfile(String) - Method in class
setDockerStreams(List<DockerStream>) - Method in class
setDuration(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the duration property.
setEmail(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class
setEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndDate(String) - Method in class
setEndDate(Timestamp) - Method in class
setEndpointAddress(String) - Method in class
setEndpointGroup(String) - Method in class
setEndpointId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
setEndpointId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setEndpointId(long) - Method in class
setEndPointId(Long) - Method in class
setEndpointName(String) - Method in class
setEndPointName(String) - Method in class
setEndpointPort(Integer) - Method in class
setEndPoints(List<EnvInstEndPointPojo>) - Method in class
setEndpointSubgroup(String) - Method in class
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the endTime property.
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
Sets the value of the endTime property.
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
setEndTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
Sets the value of the endTime property.
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setEnvironment(Environment) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's code
setEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
setEnvironmentId(Long) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's ID
setEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class
setEnvironmentName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's name
setEnvironments(List<Long>) - Method in class
setEnvironments(List<Long>) - Method in class
setEnvironmentSortOrder(Integer) - Method in class
setEnvironmentSortOrder(Integer) - Method in class
setEnvironmentSortOrder(Integer) - Method in class
setErrorData(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setExceptionToWindow(Boolean) - Method in class
setExceptionToWindow(boolean) - Method in class
setExcludePath(String) - Method in class
setExcludePath(String) - Method in class
setExecutePermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setExecutionCount(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the executionCount property.
setExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setExternalGateCompleted(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
setFailCondition(String) - Method in class
setFileData(byte[]) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
The data of the report
setFileName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReportData
Sets the report file name
setFilePath(String) - Method in class
setFiles(List<PackageFilePojo>) - Method in class
setFiles(List<PackageFilePojo>) - Method in class
setFileState(NotifFileState) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifPartialDeploymentFileResult
Set the environment state of the file.
setFinishDeployment(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setFirstName(String) - Method in class
setFlexFields(List<FlexField>) - Method in class
setFlexFields(List<FlexField>) - Method in class
setFlexFields(List<FlexField>) - Method in class
setFlexfields(List<Flexfield>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
setFlexFields(List<Flexfield>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
setFlexFieldValues(Map<String, PropertyValue>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setFolderHierarchy(LinkedList) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets the hierarchy for the folder.
setFolderId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setFolderId(Long) - Method in class
setFolderId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setFolderId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setFolderId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets the folder id for this Folder.
setFolderName(String) - Method in class
setFolderRequestId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setFolderRequestId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setFolderVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setFolderVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setForceBuild(Boolean) - Method in class
setForceBuild(Boolean) - Method in class
setForceDeploy(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setForceDeploy(Boolean) - Method in class
setFromPackageObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setFullRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
setGateExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setGateExecutions(List<GateExecutionPojo>) - Method in class
setGateExecutionStatus(ExecutionUnitStatus) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
setGateName(String) - Method in class
setGateName(String) - Method in class
setGateName(String) - Method in class
setGateName(String) - Method in class
setGateName(String) - Method in class
setGateOrder(Integer) - Method in class
setGateStatus(String) - Method in class
setGateType(String) - Method in class
setGroupCode(String) - Method in class
setGroupDetails(List<FolderOrProjectPermissionGroupDetail>) - Method in class
setGroupId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
setGroupId(Long) - Method in class
setGroupIDAndName(Long, String) - Method in class
setGroupName(String) - Method in class
setGroupRequestId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setHasAccess(boolean) - Method in class
setHelmConfiguration(HelmConfiguration) - Method in class
setHour12(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
setHour24(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
setIconEmoji(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
setIconURL(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
setIconUrl(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
setIconURL(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
setId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
setId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
setId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
setIgnoreSSLErrors(boolean) - Method in class
Sets mIgnoreSSLErrors that is used for builder.
setImageName(String) - Method in class
setImageScan(DockerStream.ImageScan) - Method in class
setInactivateMissingFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setInactivateMissingFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setInactivateMissingFilesPermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setIncludePath(String) - Method in class
setIncludePath(String) - Method in class
setInitialValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setInitialValueExpression(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setInputs(List<Input>) - Method in class
setInputs(List<Input>) - Method in class
setInputs(List<Input>) - Method in class
setInputs(List<Input>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
setInstance(Instance) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class
setInstanceCode(String) - Method in class
setInstanceCodes(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceId(Long) - Method in class
setInstanceIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setInstanceIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setInstanceIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setInstanceIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setInstanceProperties(Map<String, Map<String, PropertyValue>>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
setInstances(List<Long>) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's list of instace IDs
setInstances(Map<Long, Instance>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setInternalDirectory(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
setInternalDirectory(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setIsActive(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's IsActive
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsActive(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setIsAppRequest(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setIsBaseDirectoryExpression(String) - Method in class
setIsBuildEnvironment(Boolean) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's IsBuildEnvironment
setIsConstant(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setIsDeploymentTarget(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsEmergency(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setIsEncrypted(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
setIsExpression(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
setIsForce(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setIsImageBuild(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsImagePush(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsJavaPathExpression(String) - Method in class
setIsOverridden(boolean) - Method in class
setIsPartialDeployment(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setIsRequired(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setIssueTrackingSystemId(Long) - Method in class
setIsTagLatest(Boolean) - Method in class
setIsWindows(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setITSConfigured(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setJavaBeanAttributeValue(Object, JavaBeanAttribute, Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
setJavaPath(String) - Method in class
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKubernetesConfiguration(KubernetesConfiguration) - Method in class
setLastChangeDate(Date) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setLastEndPoint(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setLastName(String) - Method in class
setLength(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setLengthPrecision(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setListData(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setListData(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setLogChanges(List<LogChange>) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setLogKey(String) - Method in class
setLogMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
setLogs(List<LogPoint>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setMainStreamName(String) - Method in class
setManifestsToDeploy(List<String>) - Method in class
setMaxResponseTime(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the maxResponseTime property.
setMaxValue(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setMaxValue(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setMediumValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
setMemberType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
setMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the message property.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the message shown for current webhook execution on the Webhook Messages screen.
setMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the message shown for current webhook execution on the Webhook Messages screen.
setMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
setMinResponseTime(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the minResponseTime property.
setMinute(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
setMinValue(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setMinValue(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setMonth(Date, FlexDateTimeUtils.Month, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
setMultiselect(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.ResourceType
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets the name for this Folder.
setNewWeight(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setNonUtilityProjectsExists(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setNotes(String) - Method in class
setNotes(String) - Method in class
setNotes(String) - Method in class
setNotes(String) - Method in class
setNotificationEventType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
setNotificationEventType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
setNotificationMediumType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
setNotificationMediumType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
setObjectDetails(List<GlobalPermissionObjectDetail>) - Method in class
setObjectHash(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectHash property.
setObjectHash(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectHash property.
setObjectHash(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setObjectID(Long) - Method in class
setObjectName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectPath property.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectPath property.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the objectPath property.
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectObject
setObjectPathSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setObjectType(String) - Method in class
setObjectType(String) - Method in class
setObjectType(String) - Method in class
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the objectTypeCode property.
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setObjectTypeCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setObjectTypeDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectObject
setObjectTypeDisplayString(String) - Method in class
setObjectTypeSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setOldWeight(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setOperation(String) - Method in class
setOrginatingWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setOrginatingWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setOsType(String) - Method in class
setOutput(String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Sets an output into WorkflowExecutionContext, which will be returned within a PluginResult from the execute() method.
setOutput(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the output property.
setOutput(String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setOutputs(String, Object, PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
setOutputs(Map<String, PropertyValue>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginResult
setPacakgeName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setPackageBuildType(String) - Method in class
setPackageBuildType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPackageDetails(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
setPackageDetails(List<PackageInfo>) - Method in class
setPackageDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setPackageId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setPackageName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPackageObjectId(long) - Method in class
Sets the value of the packageObjectId property.
setPackageObjectId(long) - Method in class
Sets the value of the packageObjectId property.
setPackageObjectId(long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the packageObjectId property.
setPackageObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
setPackageObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setPackageObjects(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setPackagePath(String) - Method in class
setPackagePath(String) - Method in class
setPackageSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setPackageSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPackageStatus(String) - Method in class
setPackageStatus(String) - Method in class
setPackageType(String) - Method in class
setPackageType(String) - Method in class
setParametersMap(List<ParameterMap>) - Method in class
setParentFolderId(Long) - Method in class
setParentFolderId(Long) - Method in class
setParentFolderId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifFolder
Sets the parent folder id for this Folder.
setPartialDeployment(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setPartialDeployments(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setPartialDeployments(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setPartialDeployments(Boolean) - Method in class
setPassInContext(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
setPassphrase(String) - Method in class
setPassphraseCredentialId(Long) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPasswordCredentialId(Long) - Method in class
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPeEndDate(String) - Method in class
setPeEndDate(String) - Method in class
setPendingRows(long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
setPermissions(Map<FlexDeploySecurityConstants.SecurityActionType, List<FlexDeploySecurityConstants.SecurityObjectType>>) - Method in class
setPeStartDate(String) - Method in class
setPeStartDate(String) - Method in class
setPipelineDefinitionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setPipelineExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setPipelineExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setPipelineExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setPipelineExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setPipelineExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setPipelineExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setPipelineId(Long) - Method in class
setPipelineName(String) - Method in class
setPipelineName(String) - Method in class
setPipelineStageExecutions(List<PipelineStageExecutionPojo>) - Method in class
setPipelineStageStepExecId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPluginExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setPluginExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
setPluginExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setPluginExecutionLog(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setPluginExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setPluginId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
setPluginId(Long) - Method in class
setPluginName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
setPluginName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
setPluginOperationName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setPluginOperationName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
setPluginOperations(List<PluginOperationPojo>) - Method in class
setPluginTarget(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServer
setPluginTarget(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.ExternalPluginServerWorker
setPluginVersion(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
setPorts(String) - Method in class
setPostRefresh(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setPreDeployInfo(ProjectPreDeployInfo) - Method in class
setPredeployStartTime(String) - Method in class
setPredeployStartTime(Timestamp) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPreDeployWorkflowExecId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPredeployWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setPrincipalName(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
setPrintCommand(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets whether the command should be printed in the logs during execution.
setPrintEnvVariables(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets whether to print environment variables to the logs during execution.
setPrintOutput(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
If set to capture logs, and setPrintOutput(false), then the output is only stored in memory.
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class
setPriority(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setPriorityScope(DeployPriorityScopeEnum) - Method in class
setPrivateKey(String) - Method in class
setProducesArtifacts(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setProject(Project) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setProjectBuildSequence(Long) - Method in class
setProjectClassification(ProjectClassificationEnum) - Method in class
setProjectFiles(List<ProjectFile>) - Method in class
setProjectGroups(String) - Method in class
setProjectGroups(String) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
setProjectID(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectFlexfields
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ProjectInputs
setProjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectIsActive(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
setProjectName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setProjectName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setProjectName(String) - Method in class
setProjectName(String) - Method in class
setProjectName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectObject(ProjectObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setProjectObjectId(long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the projectObjectId property.
setProjectObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
setProjectObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setProjectObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setProjectObjectId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setProjectObjectPath(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectObjectDependencyPojo
setProjectObjects(List<ProjectObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setProjectPackageId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectPath(String) - Method in class
setProjectRequests(List<StepProjectRequestPojo>) - Method in class
setProjectRequests(Map<Long, WorkflowRequestCreate>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setProjects(List<Long>) - Method in class
setProjects(List<ReleaseProjectsPojo>) - Method in class
setProjectSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setProjectType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setProjectType(ProjectTypeEnum) - Method in class
setProjectType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectVersion(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersionData
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class
setProjectVersionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectVersionIds(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectVersion
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.PackageDeployment
setProjectVersionName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectWorkflowID(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
setProjectWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setProjectWorkflowType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
setProperties(Map<String, PropertyValue>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setProperties(Map<String, Serializable>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem
Sets the CMS instane properties
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setProperties(List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
setPropertyEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setPropertySetId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
setProvider(String) - Method in class
setPseEndDate(String) - Method in class
setPseEndDate(String) - Method in class
setPseStartDate(String) - Method in class
setPseStartDate(String) - Method in class
setQualifiedProjectName(String) - Method in class
setReadPermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets read timeout on client.
setRealmClass(String) - Method in class
setRealmId(long) - Method in class
setRealmName(String) - Method in class
setRecipients(List<NotificationRecipient>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
setRegisterGZip(boolean) - Method in class
Sets mRegisterGZip that is used for builder.
setRegistryAccount(String) - Method in class
setRelatedTicket(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
setRelatedTickets(List<String>) - Method in class
setRelDefinitionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setReleaseBuildMonitorId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setReleaseDefId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setReleaseDefinitionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setReleaseDefinitionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
setReleaseDefinitionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setReleaseId(Long) - Method in class
setReleaseId(Long) - Method in class
setReleaseId(Long) - Method in class
setReleaseId(Long) - Method in class
setReleaseId(Long) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseName(String) - Method in class
setReleaseProjectDetails(List<ReleaseProjectDetailsPOJO>) - Method in class
setReleaseProjects(List<ReleaseProjectDetailsPOJO>) - Method in class
setReleaseProperties(List<PipelineProperty>) - Method in class
setReleaseSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setReleaseSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
setReleaseSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setReleaseStatus(ReleaseSnapshotStatusEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshot
setReleaseStatus(String) - Method in class
setRelName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setRelSnapshot(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setRelSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setRelSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestAllFiles(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectBuildRequestInput
setRequestAllFiles(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setRequestAllFiles(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setRequestAllFiles(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setRequestAllFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setRequestAllFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setRequestAllFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setRequestAllFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setRequestAllFiles(Boolean) - Method in class
setRequestExecutions(List<StepProjectExecution>) - Method in class
setRequestFlexfields(ProjectFlexfields) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestInputs(ProjectInputs) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestPackageDetails(List<PackageObject>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestPreDeploy(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestsList(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setRequestsList(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRequestStatus(String) - Method in class
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setResourceIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setResourceNames(List<String>) - Method in class
setRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setRevision(long) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
setRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
setRoutRule(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setRunAsUserName(String) - Method in class
setRunContainer(Boolean) - Method in class
setScan(String) - Method in class
setScheduleBuildExpression(String) - Method in class
setScheduledBuildExpression(String) - Method in class
setScheduledExecutionTime(String) - Method in class
setScheduledExecutionTime(String) - Method in class
setScmConfiguration(ProjectSCMPojo) - Method in class
setSCMInfo(ProjectSCMInfo) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setScmInstanceIds(Set<Long>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setScmLog(NotifScmLog) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifProjectVersionFile
Set the Scm details of the file.
setSCMRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setSCMRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setSCMRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setScmRevision(String) - Method in class
setScmRevision(String) - Method in class
setSCMType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
setSCMType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setScmType(SCMTypeEnum) - Method in class
setScmType(String) - Method in class
setSecAttribute1(String) - Method in class
setSecAttribute2(String) - Method in class
setSecondaryRevision(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
setSectionText(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
setSecureLogValues(List<String>) - Method in class
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
setSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class
setSequenceNumber(Long) - Method in class
setSilentMode(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Completely suppress log messages.
setSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class
setSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class
setSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class
setSnapshotId(Long) - Method in class
setSnapshotName(String) - Method in class
setSnapshotName(String) - Method in class
setSnapshotName(String) - Method in class
setSnapshotStatus(String) - Method in class
setSnapshotVariables(List<SnapshotVariablePojo>) - Method in class
setSnapshotVersionInputs(List<SnapshotVersionInputPojo>) - Method in class
setSnapshotVersions(List<SnapshotVersionPojo>) - Method in class
setSnapshotVersionStatus(String) - Method in class
setSortAll(Boolean) - Method in class
setSortAllAfterPopulate(Boolean) - Method in class
setSortAllAfterPopulate(Boolean) - Method in class
setSortNumber(Integer) - Method in class
Sets the value of environment's sort number
setSources(List<ProjectSCMConfig>) - Method in class
setSourceType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setStageExecutionId(long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStageExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStageExecutionStatus(StageExecutionStatus) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
setStageExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setStageExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setStageExecutionStatus(String) - Method in class
setStageGateExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
setStageGateExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStageGateId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
setStageStepExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
setStageStepId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
setStageStepId(Long) - Method in class
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartDate(String) - Method in class
setStartDate(Timestamp) - Method in class
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the startTime property.
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
Sets the value of the startTime property.
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployResult
setStartTime(Calendar) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
Sets the value of the startTime property.
setStartTime(String) - Method in class
setStartTime(String) - Method in class
setStartTime(Timestamp) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setStartTimeForPackageObject(PackageObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Updates the status, and sets the endtime.
setStartTimeForProjectObject(ProjectObject) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Updates the status, and sets the endtime.
setStatus(StatusType) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the status property.
setStatus(DeployStatusEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployObjectResult
setStatus(StatusType) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
Sets the value of the status property.
setStatus(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
setStatus(String) - Method in class
setStatus(TaskStatusEnum) - Method in class
setStatus(String) - Method in class
setStatus(TaskStatusEnum) - Method in class
setStatus(String) - Method in class
setStepExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStepExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setStepExecutions(List<StepExecutionPojo>) - Method in class
setStepExecutionStatus(ExecutionUnitStatus) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
setStepName(String) - Method in class
setStepName(String) - Method in class
setStepOrder(Float) - Method in class
setStepOrder(Float) - Method in class
setStepStatus(String) - Method in class
setStepStatus(String) - Method in class
setStepType(String) - Method in class
setStepType(String) - Method in class
setStopDeploymentWhenPackageFails(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setStopOnError(Boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setStreamId(Long) - Method in class
setStreamName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDetailsPojo
setStreamName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setStreamName(String) - Method in class
setStreamName(String) - Method in class
setStreamName(String) - Method in class
setStreams(List<Long>) - Method in class
setSubComponentContent(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setSubcomponentName(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the subcomponentName property.
setSubcomponentName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the subcomponentName property.
setSubcomponentName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setSubcomponentName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setSubComponentName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setSubcomponentType(String) - Method in class
Sets the value of the subcomponentType property.
setSubcomponentType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
Sets the value of the subcomponentType property.
setSubcomponentType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setSubcomponentType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.FilePathDeploymentPOJO
setSubComponentType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
setSubFolders(List<Long>) - Method in class
setSubGroupCode(String) - Method in class
setSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class
setTarget(Class) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
setTeamName(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
setTemplateText(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
setTestDataId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
setTestDataId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestResponse
setTestingToolId(Long) - Method in class
setTestLevel(String) - Method in class
setTests(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
setText(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
Set the default text/header of the message
setText(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
setThrowExceptionOnProcessFailure(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets whether a non-zero return code returned from an external process execution should result in an exception being thrown.
setTickets(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
setTicketsList(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.FolderRequestCreate
setTicketsList(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setTimeout(Long) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets a timeout in milliseconds for the external process.
setTitle(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.FlexTeamsMessage
setTitle(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
setTransferProtocol(TransferProtocol) - Method in class
setTriggerType(TriggerTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setTypeDisplayName(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setTypeSequenceNumber(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
setUnEncryptedPlainTextValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setUpdatedOn(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
setUseLatestPackageVersion(Boolean) - Method in class
setUserId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
setUserId(Long) - Method in class
setUserId(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
setUserName(String) - Method in class
setUserName(String) - Method in class
setUsername(String) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
setUtilityExecutionInfo(UtilityProjectExecutionInfo) - Method in class
setValidateResponse(boolean) - Method in class
setValidationErrorMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setValidationErrorMessage(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValidationScript(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setValidatorScript(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValue(Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
setValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setValue(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValue(Date, FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
Set value using GregorianCalendar.
setValueEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
setValueEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValueForSubmitWorkflowRequestUI(Input) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
Method sets the new Value to the Input POJO only when the pNewValue Encrypted Flag is same as the Input POJO ValueEncrypted flag.
setValueFromProjectTriggerWorkflowInput(WorkflowInput) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValueFromStr(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
setValueFromWorkflowRequestInputDefaultVORow(WorkflowRequestInputDefaultVORowImpl) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
setValueScript(String) - Method in class
setVendor(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginDetails
setVersionCreatedBy(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setVersionCreatedOn(Date) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
setVersionSyntax(String) - Method in class
setVersionSyntax(String) - Method in class
setVersionSyntaxScript(String) - Method in class
setViewLogsPermitted(boolean) - Method in class
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Flexfield
setVolumes(String) - Method in class
setWaitForProcess(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets whether external process execution to wait for completion before returning.
setWarningCode(String) - Method in class
setWarningMessage(String) - Method in class
setWebhooksEnabled(Boolean) - Method in class
setWorkDir(File) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.ExternalProcess
Sets the working directory for the external process execution.
setWorkflowExecutionContext(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
setWorkflowExecutionContext(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Method in interface flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProvider
This method is called to set the ExecutionContext for the plugin operation execution.
setWorkflowExecutionContext(WorkflowExecutionContext) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProxy
setWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.MockWorkflowExecutionContext
setWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginLogPojo
setWorkflowExecutionId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowID(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectWorkflow
setWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setWorkflowInputs(List<WFInput>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.ExecuteOptions
setWorkflowRequestId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
setWorkflowRequestId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
setWorkflowRequestId(Long) - Method in class
setWorkflowRequestPriority(Integer) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setWorkflowRequests(ArrayList<WorkflowRequestPojo>) - Method in class
setWorkflows(List<Long>) - Method in class
setWorkflowType(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
Sets the workflow type name
setWorkflowType(Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.CoreCreateRequest
setWorkflowVersionOverride(String) - Method in class
setWorkflowVersionOverride(String) - Method in class
setWorkflowVersionOverride(String) - Method in class
setWorkflowVersionOverride(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setWorkflowVersionOverrideId(Long) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
setYear(Date, int, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
severe(String) - Method in class
Logs a message to the FlexDeploy logs with a level of SEVERE.
showNotesAndSendAttachments(boolean) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Sets whether notes and notes attachments should be included in notification.
showTextForMissingUrlSetup() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
Returns a warning message if Base Server URL is not configured in System Settings.
SignalCache - Class in flexagon.fd.core.plugin
SIGNALS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
singleton() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.BuildManifestXMLUtil
singleton() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.DeployResultsXMLUtil
singleton() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.SignalCache
singleton() - Static method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ZipUtility
SlackFunctions - Class in
Utility functions used to get information from a Slack payload
SlackFunctions(boolean, LogFunctions) - Constructor for class
SlackRequestPojo - Class in flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos
SlackRequestPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.SlackRequestPojo
sleep(long) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
SnapshotInputPojo - Class in
This class is used for the creation of snapshots
SnapshotInputPojo() - Constructor for class
SnapshotPojo - Class in
SnapshotPojo() - Constructor for class
SnapshotVariablePojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
SnapshotVariablePojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.SnapshotVariablePojo
SnapshotVersionInputPojo - Class in
This class is used for the creation of snapshots
SnapshotVersionInputPojo() - Constructor for class
SnapshotVersionPojo - Class in
SnapshotVersionPojo() - Constructor for class
sort() - Method in class
sort(List, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
splitByComma(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
split input string by using comma(,) separator.
splitByDot(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
split input string by using dot(.) separator.
splitBySpace(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
split input string by using whitespace separator.
splitByteArrayIntoChunksForStorage(byte[], int) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
splitStringIntoChunks(String, int) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Split string into small chunks by size.
SQL_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
SQL_LDR_EXTS - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
sslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class
SSO_CONFIG_FILE_ENV_KEY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
StageExecution - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
StageExecution() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecution
StageExecutionInformationPOJO - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
StageExecutionInformationPOJO() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
StageGateExecution - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
StageGateExecution() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageGateExecution
StageStepExecution - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release
StageStepExecution() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
start() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexTimeWatch
startRelease(String) - Method in class
Start a FlexDeploy Release.
startRelease(Long) - Method in class
Start a FlexDeploy Release.
startTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
startTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployResults
startTime - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
status - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
status - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
StatusType - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
Java class for StatusType.
StatusType - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
Java class for StatusType.
StepExecutionHolderPojo - Class in
StepExecutionHolderPojo() - Constructor for class
StepExecutionPojo - Class in
StepExecutionPojo() - Constructor for class
StepProjectExecution - Class in
Simple pojo representing a project execution details.
StepProjectExecution() - Constructor for class
StepProjectExecution(Long, String, Long) - Constructor for class
StepProjectRequestPojo - Class in
Simple pojo representing a single project workflow request for pipeline step.
StepProjectRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
StepProjectsRequestPojo - Class in
Simple pojo representing a pipeline step project workflow requests.
StepProjectsRequestPojo() - Constructor for class
stop() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexTimeWatch
StringPropertyReplacement - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils
Concrete implementation for property replacement on a String.
StringPropertyReplacement(PropertyReplacementContext) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.utils.StringPropertyReplacement
Constructs this utility for use with the given property replacement context.
stringToDate(String, String, TimeZone) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
supplied timezone must be for provided String representation of date.
SubComponentDataPojo - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project
SubComponentDataPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
SubComponentDataPojo(FlexSalesforceObject) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.SubComponentDataPojo
subcomponentName - Variable in class
subcomponentName - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
subcomponentType - Variable in class
subcomponentType - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.DeployObject
SUCCESS_COLOR - Static variable in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
SVN_CHECKOUT_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SVN_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SVN_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SVN_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
SVN_TAG_PATH - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants


TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo - Class in flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamChannelMessageRequestPojo
TeamsUser - Class in flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
TeamsUser() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.TeamsUser
TEMP_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
TEST_RESULTS_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
TestCase - Class in flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
Java class for anonymous complex type.
TestCase() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestCase
testCase - Variable in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
testConnection(String, String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Test connection to external system with get call using basic authentication
testConnection(String, String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.integration.util.FDRestUtils
Test connection to external system with get call using bearer token to authenticate
Tester - Class in
Tester() - Constructor for class
Tester - Class in flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy
Tester() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.Tester
TestInstancePojo - Class in
This class is for Test Instance Integration REST API
TestInstancePojo() - Constructor for class
TestResultPojo - Class in
Class used for storing the results of an endpoint test from the REST API
TestResultPojo() - Constructor for class
TestResults - Class in flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb
Java class for anonymous complex type.
TestResults() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.TestResults
TestResultStatus - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.testing
TestRunStatus - Enum in flexagon.fd.core.testing
TFVC_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
TFVC_GET_FOLDER - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
TFVC_INSTANCE - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
TFVC_LABEL - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
TFVC_REVISION - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.ExecutionContextConstants
toCalendarDay() - Method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
toCalendarMonth() - Method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Month
toDebugString(Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
toEndPoint() - Method in class
toGateStatusPojo() - Method in class
toJSONObject() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.MicrosoftTeamsMessageCard
toList(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Create list using elements of input string, uses comma[(optional Whitespace),(optional whitespace)] as separator.
toList(String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
toPojoList(ServiceBaseAMImpl, ReleasePipelineRoleMembersROVORowImpl) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.PipelineRoleMember
toStepStatusPojo() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Environment
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Instance
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.PackageObject
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.ProjectObject
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginResult
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Project
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue
Returns the String representation of this PropertyValue.
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.PropertyObjectValue
Returns a string representation of this PropertyObjectValue, masking the value if the property is secure.
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.continuous.PollingResult
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginExecutionData
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginOperation
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginXML
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.project.ProjectPackagePojo
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseProjectDefinition
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleasePropertyPojo
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseSnapshotCommitDetailsPojo
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageStepExecution
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.Input
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.payload.AbstractNotifBaseRequest
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewRequest
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationPreviewResponse
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationRecipient
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestRequest
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotificationTestResponse
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifReleaseProperty
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class flexagon.fd.model2.notification.pojos.NotifSnapshotVariable
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.EnvironmentKeyValue
toString() - Method in class
toString(List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Matching toString for toList.
toString(List<String>, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Matching toString for toList.
toString(List<String>, String, Boolean) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
Matching toString for toList.
toString(Object) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils
toString() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogChange
toString() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.LogPoint
toString() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.scm.pojos.Revision
toString() - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Convert this Object to a Json string representation with no formatting
toString(int) - Method in class flexagon.ffi.slack.pojos.FlexSlackMessage
Convert this Object to a Json string representation with the given indent factor
toUtilDate(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
xml gregorian calendar to util date
toXMLGregorianCalendar(Date) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils
util date to XML gregorian calendar
trace() - Method in class
TRANSFER_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
trim(String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexCommonUtils


UnixCommands - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
UnixCommands() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.UnixCommands
unjar(File, File) - Method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.JarTool
unmarshal(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.Adapter1
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.BuildManifestXMLUtil
unmarshal(Reader) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.partial.util.DeployResultsXMLUtil
unmarshal(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.Adapter1
unzip(byte[], String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ZipUtility
unZip(File, File) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
unZipJar(String, String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
unZipJar(String, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
updatePackage(Long, String, Long, PollingResult) - Method in class
Updates a given package relative to a PollingResult.
updatePackage(Long, String, Long, PollingResult, boolean) - Method in class
Updates a given package relative to a PollingResult.
updatePackageStatus(Long, String, String) - Method in class
Updates a given package status.
updateProject(Long, ProjectPojo) - Method in class
Updates a project with the provided data.
updateProjectProperties(Long, List<PropertyValuePojo>) - Method in class
Updates a project's properties with the provided data.
updateProperty(String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
updateProperty(String, String, Object) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
updateSCMInstance(Long, String, String, Boolean, String, List<PropertyValuePojo>, String) - Method in class
Updates an SCM instance with the given data.
updateSCMInstance(Long, SCMInstancePojo) - Method in class
Updates an SCM instance with the given data.
updateStatusForPackageObject(PackageObject, DeployStatusEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Updates the status, and sets the endtime.
updateStatusForProjectObject(ProjectObject, DeployStatusEnum) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Updates the status, and sets the endtime.
updateStream(Long, Long, ProjectStreamPojo) - Method in class
Updates a FlexDeploy Stream on a given project.
updateTask(Object, HashMap, String) - Method in class
Approves or rejects a task from an incoming Slack webhook payload.
updateTask(Object, Boolean) - Method in class
Approves or rejects a task from an incoming Slack webhook payload.
uploadExecutionDataCSVToReleaseProjectWrapperPOJOs(CSVFile) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.StageExecutionInformationPOJO
url(String) - Method in class
Sets URL that is used for the builder.
UserMessageRequestPojo - Class in flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos
UserMessageRequestPojo() - Constructor for class flexagon.ffi.microsoftteams.pojos.UserMessageRequestPojo
username(String) - Method in class
UtilityProjectExecutionInfo - Class in
UtilityProjectExecutionInfo() - Constructor for class
UtilityProjectRequestPojo - Class in
UtilityProjectRequestPojo() - Constructor for class


validate() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Must be implemented by the concrete subclass to perform any validation (prior to execution).
validate() - Method in interface flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginProvider
This method is invoked to validate the preconditions of the plugin operation have been satisfied.
validate() - Method in class
validate(boolean) - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate(Boolean) - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validateContext(Collection<String>, Collection<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Validates that the given properties and inputs have non-null values within the WorkflowExecution context for the current execution instance.
validateContext(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Validates that the given properties and inputs have non-null values within the WorkflowExecution context for the given execution instance.
validateContext(List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
validateContext(List<String>, List<String>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
validateRequiredInputs(Collection<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Validates that the given inputs have non-null values within the WorkflowExecution context for the current execution instance.
validateRequiredInputs(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
validateRequiredPropertiesForCurrentInstance(Collection<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Validates that the given properties have non-null values within the WorkflowExecution context for the current execution instance.
validateRequiredPropertiesForCurrentInstance(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
validateRequiredPropertiesForInstance(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.AbstractPluginProvider
Validates that the given properties have non-null values within the WorkflowExecution context for the given execution instance.
validateRequiredPropertiesForInstance(List<String>, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.BasePluginExecutionContext
validateResponse(FlexRESTClientResponse) - Method in class
Validates FlexRestResponse by checking response codes below 400 and throwing an error if the code number is overriden, then checking above 400 codes and throwing and error if the code number is not overriden.
value() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.StatusType
value() - Method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.StatusType
Value - Variable in class
Value - Variable in class
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers.ImageScanEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectClassificationEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.SCMTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.StatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.AttributeDataTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployStatusEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.StatusType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.TestResultStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.TestRunStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem.CMSObjectType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Month
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum flexagon.ffi.scm.enums.ChangeActionTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.containers.ImageScanEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectClassificationEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.ProjectTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.enums.SCMTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.jaxb.deploy.StatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.AttributeDataTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.partial.pojo.DeployStatusEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.Project.ProjectWFTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.PropertyValue.PropertyTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.jaxb.StatusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.TestResultStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.core.testing.TestRunStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.fd.model.integration.cms.api.ChangeManagementSystem.CMSObjectType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.DateTimeComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Day
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexDateTimeUtils.Month
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum flexagon.ffi.scm.enums.ChangeActionTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


warning(String) - Method in class
Logs a message to the FlexDeploy logs with a level of WARNING.
wasUpdated(String, String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.Properties
WindowsCommands - Class in flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess
WindowsCommands() - Constructor for class flexagon.ff.common.core.externalprocess.WindowsCommands
withEnvironmentCode(String) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
withTickets(List<String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.BuildOptions
WORK_SUBDIRECTORY - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants
WorkflowExecutionContext - Class in flexagon.fd.core.workflow
Represents context information related to the current plugin execution, such as the target environment and instance, properties, inputs, output, etc.
WorkflowExecutionContext(Project, Environment, Instance, Instance, Long, Map<String, PropertyValue>) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
WorkflowExecutionContext() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
WorkflowExecutionContext(Project, Environment, Instance, Long, Properties) - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.core.workflow.WorkflowExecutionContext
WorkflowRequestCreate - Class in flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest
WorkflowRequestCreate() - Constructor for class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.workflowrequest.WorkflowRequestCreate
write(File, List<String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
writeAsMap(File, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
writeBytesToFile(File, byte[]) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Writes a byte array to a file Throws FlexRuntimeException
writeFileContent(File) - Method in class
Writes REST response to a file.
writeInputStreamToFile(File, InputStream) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
Writes an input stream to a file Throws FlexRuntimeException
writeToDirectory(File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.plugin.PluginZIP
writeXml() - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.plugin.PluginObjectResults
Please call this from a finally block wrapping your execute method's contents.


YES - Static variable in class flexagon.fd.core.FlexDeployConstants


zip(Map<String, String>) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ZipUtility
Take a map and add all of them to a zip file
zip(File) - Method in class flexagon.fd.core.utils.ZipUtility
zip(File, String) - Static method in class flexagon.ff.common.core.utils.FlexFileUtils
ZipUtility - Class in flexagon.fd.core.utils


_buildMonitorKey(Long, String) - Static method in class flexagon.fd.model.pojos.release.ReleaseBuildMonitor
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