Class | Description |
CompleteApprovalGatePOJO |
V1 Rest Api Pojo
CompleteApprovalGatePojoV0 | |
CompleteExternalGatePOJO |
V1 Rest Api Pojo
CompleteExternalGatePojoV0 | |
CompleteGateResponse | |
CreateOrUpdateReleaseDefinitionPOJO | |
GateExecutionHolderPojo | |
GateExecutionPojo | |
PipelineExecutionPojo | |
PipelineProperty | |
PipelineStageExecutionPojo | |
ReleaseDetailsPOJO | |
ReleasePojo | |
ReleaseProjectDetailsPOJO | |
ReleaseProjectsPojo |
Simple pojo representing a FlexDeploy Project on a Release definition
SnapshotInputPojo |
This class is used for the creation of snapshots
SnapshotPojo | |
SnapshotVersionInputPojo |
This class is used for the creation of snapshots
SnapshotVersionPojo | |
StepExecutionHolderPojo | |
StepExecutionPojo | |
StepProjectExecution |
Simple pojo representing a project execution details.
StepProjectRequestPojo |
Simple pojo representing a single project workflow request for pipeline step.
StepProjectsRequestPojo |
Simple pojo representing a pipeline step project workflow requests.