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Flexagon Releases FlexDeploy 3.7

July 6, 2016 – Flexagon today announced FlexDeploy 3.7 is now available. FlexDeploy 3.7 provides enhancements for existing plugins such as Oracle E-Business Suite, Atlassian Jira, Fusion Middleware, and other new plugins, features, and usability enhancements driven by customer feedback.

FlexDeploy is a DevOps and Application Release Automation platform that lowers project risk and cost, while accelerating software delivery. It provides a comprehensive and integrated platform for managing the entire provisioning, build, deploy, test, and release lifecycle. Users are able to capitalize on their investments and innovate faster, with extensive automation, improved controls, and visibility to information like never before. FlexDeploy is an open platform which includes pre-built content for many Oracle and non-Oracle tools and technologies.

FlexDeploy 3.7 Highlights

Oracle E-Business Suite – Support for EBS was introduced in FlexDeploy 3.0 and extended to support a 2nd model called partial deploy in 3.5. Customers and Partners are rapidly taking advantage of FlexDeploy for EBS and the 3.7 release provides enhancements for both partial and full deployment models including the following:

  • Partial Deployment Projects
    • Build request form allows lookup of SCM revisions by file
    • Select files from another package(s) when building a new package
    • Extraction of project files from SCM has been optimized for performance and scalability
  • Full Deployment Projects
    • Project Files tab now available, allowing for file sequencing and metadata override

Jira Integration – Jira is a popular issues tracking tool from Atlassian which was first supported by FlexDeploy in release 3.5. The integration between FlexDeploy and Jira has been a big hit and the following features in 3.7 are based on customer feedback:

  • Update Jira comments and status by environment
  • Associate Jira tickets via build request form in addition to SCM commit messages
  • Integration with CVS and Microsoft TFS

Reporting – Dashboards and Reporting capabilities within FlexDeploy are critical for many customers. The following 3.7 enhancements improve both the functional and usability aspects of various reports:

  • Environment reports now contain SCM revision number
  • Environment and Instance filters now allow multi-selection
  • Environment Discrepancy report now displays file/revision detail for Partial Deployment projects
  • Environment Discrepancy report allows sorting

Other Enhancements – Here is a sampling of other functional and usability improvements across the product. 

  • Separate project configuration and project files configuration permissions within Security
  • Filter plugins operations on edit instance wizard
  • Filter plugin operations on workflow editor
  • Filter security groups on project/application/folder
  • Handle external groups in REST API
  • New sample workflows for Oracle EBS

Plugins – Plugins provide pre-built capability which eliminate scripting and manual activities, dramatically increasing the speed, quality, and cost of software development and operations. FlexDeploy 3.7 includes extensions to existing plugins and new plugins. The Azure, WildFly (JBoss), and Glassfish plugins will be available within a few weeks. Enhancements to existing plugins and new plugins include the following:

  • SOA – new operations to support Oracle BPM
  • EBS – new operations to restart OA Core Service, Concurrent Manager, and Forms Server
  • Amazon EC2 – new
  • Windows PowerShell – new (supports Microsoft Azure)
  • Apache JMeter – new
  • Microsoft Azure (Delivered in 3.7.1)
  • Oracle GlassFish (Delivered in 3.7.1)
  • WildFly (Delivered in 3.7.1)

FlexDeploy 3.7 speaks to our mission to continuously evolve FlexDeploy as an Enterprise DevOps and Application Release Automation Platform. The driving purpose to create a comprehensive, integrated, and open platform sets FlexDeploy apart as a market leader in this space. Our ongoing investments to support Oracle, open-source, and other commercial tools and technologies expands the value of FlexDeploy for enterprises looking to standardize and automate their software delivery processes.  We hope you like FlexDeploy 3.7, and look forward to your feedback!  

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