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Unlock Continuous Innovation with CI/CD Pipelines

Streamline development and delivery using the power of automation for Business Systems and Open Systems.

Build. Package. Deploy.

Tame the complexity of enterprise software platforms and enable an integrated CI/CD pipeline for code, metadata, and data.

Technology automation plugins

Package based model

Integrate CI/CD pipeline

Automated test, security and compliance

Dashboard visibility and insights

Empower organizations to adopt efficient and consistent build practices, reduce manual effort, and achieve faster time-to-market for your applications.

  • Build workflows
  • Dependency management
  • Build artifacts
  • Build notifications
See build automation features

A built-in artifact repository serves as a central location for storing and managing artifacts, such as binaries, configuration files, metadata, libraries, and other related resources.

  • Artifact promotion
  • Search and retrieval
  • Security and access control
  • Integration with external artifact repos
See artifact repository features

Simplify and streamline the process of deploying applications to various environments.

  • Application packaging
  • Deployment workflows
  • Notification and reporting
  • Rollback and recovery
See deployment automation features

Manage and coordinate the entire development and delivery lifecycle.

  • Environment promotion
  • Release approvals
  • Release dashboard and reports
See release orchestration features

Automate build, deploy, and admin processes

  • Workflow designer
  • Pre-defined workflow steps
  • Conditional execution
  • Parallel and sequential execution
Learn more about workflows

Additional information and support

Getting Started
Flexagon Support
Product Roadmap

Getting Started

CI/CD is a software development practice that enables teams to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications.

  1. Understand CI/CD

  2. Explore FlexDeploy Capabilities

  3. Set Up Version Control

  4. Define Build Processes

  5. Implement Test Automation

  6. Configure Deployment Pipelines

  7. Monitor and Analyze Pipeline Execution

Flexagon Support

To request support or find downloads, please login to the support site. If you are not a current subscriber or are an associate for an existing FlexDeploy customer, please contact us.

Product Roadmap

Our Product Roadmap is maintained, reviewed and validated against market and customer needs as we continue to innovate, meet and exceed customer expectations.


The FlexDeploy Documentation wiki is a valuable resource for users of the FlexDeploy platform. It provides comprehensive documentation and information about using FlexDeploy for Test Automation. Users can browse topics on the wiki, search for specific information, and gain insights into various aspects of FlexDeploy’s functionality and features.


We maintain Blogs, Case Studies, White Papers, and Videos under Resources on our Web site.

You can filter by technology, topic, or resource type.

Make the complex simple

Turn to FlexDeploy to deliver an integrated and extensible DevOps platform.
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