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Flexagon Professional Services

Our Experts Expand, Evolve, and Elevate Your DevOps Performance

Hours per week saved to allocate elsewhere
Decrease in outage windows during deployment
Less project schedule delays

Take your DevOps journey further

Flexagon empowers your DevOps journey with expert implementation and ongoing support, tailoring solutions to each organization’s needs for successful platform adoption and efficient software delivery automation.

Professional Service Packages

  • Full-service installation support
  • Expert installation guidance
  • Ongoing use case support
  • Long-term dedicated support

Initial implementation services

Our expert-led FlexDeploy implementation gets you started fast, tailors to your needs, trains your team for self-sufficiency, and ensures a quick return on investment.

1. Installation and Upgrades
2. Requirements Analysis
3. Designing the Solution
4. Configuration and Testing
5. Training and Knowledge Transfer

Installation and Upgrades

Assist and train your team on the FlexDeploy installation/upgrade process. The automated installer makes it easy to achieve ongoing benefits from the enhancements Flexagon continuously delivers with each new version of FlexDeploy.

Requirements Analysis

Flexagon analyzes your objectives, existing processes, and tools. Our expert collaborate with your team to understand and document the specific needs, challenges, and expectations.

Designing the Solution

Streamlined software delivery pipelines and processes are designed and documented by Flexagon DevOps experts around your requirements and established best practices.

Configuration and Testing

The solution design is initiated from end to end, confirming the FlexDeploy platform meets all requirements. We include configuration of all foundational aspects of FlexDeploy, including integration with existing tools and systems.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

Education and explanation maximize your people’s understanding of FlexDeploy capabilities and future expansion opportunities. All training is tailored to each FlexDeply user’s role

Post implementation services

Be self-sufficient with our initial FlexDeploy implementation. Need more later? We’ve got you covered. Our post-implementation services help you expand FlexDeploy’s use cases, from integrating new tools to automating cloud services.

See how customers use Flexagon services to elevate DevOps, CI/CD, and FlexDeploy.

Our security and compliance specialists automate core activities, establish measurable results, build dashboards and streamline audits & compliance. This ensures your security posture stays strong and evolves alongside your DevSecOps practices.
Our seasoned DevOps specialists extend your software delivery process through continuous testing. Leveraging FlexDeploy's built-in Test Automation Framework, they seamlessly integrate it into your CI/CD pipeline, streamlining your entire release process.

Extend to Other Business Systems

We believe in the value and extensibility of FlexDeploy. Our enterprise platform experts can develop a tailored solution and project scope to configure FlexDeploy with new applications to provide additional value seamlessly.

Adopt Git for Source Control

Need to get on board with Git? Our experts can help manage your source code management (SCM) journey from installation, upgrading, or converting your current SCM tool to a modern Git-based solution.

Optimize, Extend, Thrive | FlexDeploy ACS

Flexagon offers Advanced Customer Support (ACS) if an organization desires 
longer-term dedicated support. ACS provides options for dedicated part-time or 
full-time consulting to actively extend and optimize the benefits FlexDeploy offers 
as part of your DevOps journey. 

Less Cost. Less Risk. Greater Customer Value.

40% Time Savings for the Operations Team

We took automation to the next level. It’s not just about getting to release faster. With FlexDeploy it just works without anything more than a click.

Senior IT Manager, Integration & DevOps

Discover More FlexDeploy

Unlock greatness with Flexagon

About Flexagon

Work with a DevOps partner who’s been there, done that, and succeeded in all moments — a company that answers the call whenever you need help.

DevOps Resources

Whether you're just getting started with DevOps or you're a seasoned pro, we encourage you to explore our resources and learn more about how Flexagon can help you achieve your goals.

Discover the FlexDeploy User Group

The FlexDeploy User Group (FDUG) is on a mission to help you thrive with the FlexDeploy DevOps Platform.

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