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FlexDeploy—an integrated and extensible DevOps platform.

Core Features




Security & Compliance


Collaboration & Communication




FlexDeploy offers unique differentiators to tame the complexity of Enterprise Software technologies and enable automated CI/CD pipelines.

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Package-Based Model

FlexDeploy discovers an inventory of development artifacts from the source and places them into a File catalog. Files can then be assembled into packages, which can then be built and deployed across a pipeline.

Integration Fabric

FlexDeploy integration framework across toolchain types, and robust webhook-based integration fabric (IDE, function library, runtime) simplifies the complexity of performing build and deploy operations, to seamlessly integrate their pipeline into one common platform.

Plugins and Integrations

Flexagon has created out-of-the-box support for a library of technology plugins and popular tools in your DevOps toolchain. Accelerate your journey to automating Build and Deployment processes for Enterprise Software Platforms.

The CI/CD features in FlexDeploy allow teams to automate the process of building, testing, integrating, deploying and releasing. This helps organizations automate, standardize, and optimize their software delivery practices, enabling faster time-to-market, improved quality, and increased efficiency.

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Build Automation

Handle the entire build and packaging process with FlexDeploy, including assembling configurations, code binaries, properties, and more.

See Build Automation

Deployment Automation

Create fast, repeatable, and automated processes that streamline deployments across environments, eliminating time-consuming manual and scripted steps.

See Deployment Automation


Workflows represent a sequence of steps that define the specific actions and processes to be executed during software delivery. Workflows can be configured using a visual drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to define the sequence, dependencies, and conditions for each step.

Explore Workflows

Continuous Integration

By incorporating continuous integration into their development workflow. Organizations can enhance collaboration, improve code quality, and accelerate the software delivery process.

See Continuous Integration

Release Orchestration

With FlexDeploy’s release orchestration, teams can effectively plan, coordinate, and execute the end-to-end release lifecycle, ensuring smooth and efficient software deployments.

See Release Orchestration

Test Automation

FlexDeploy offers a comprehensive test automation framework that seamlessly integrated into the build, deploy and release lifecycle. This framework enables organizations to define test strategies and trigger automated tests, ensuring high-quality software delivery.

See Test Automation

FlexDeploy prioritizes security and compliance as essential aspects of its platform. With a focus on DevSecOps practices, FlexDeploy offers features and integrations that help organizations automate security and compliance in their software delivery pipeline.

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Compliance Management

Compliance management capabilities ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, industry standards, and internal policies throughout their software delivery processes.

Security Scanning

By incorporating security scanning into the deployment pipeline, FlexDeploy helps organizations identify and address security vulnerabilities early, reducing the risk of deploying insecure applications.

Controls, Governance & Reporting

FlexDeploy offers robust controls, governance, and reporting capabilities to help organizations maintain oversight and ensure compliance in their software delivery processes. Incorporating role-based access controls, workflow approvals, version control integration and release gates, together with real-time dashboards, comprehensive audit trails, and compliance reporting.

The collaboration and communication features foster effective teamwork, streamline communication among teams in the software delivery process. This enhances productivity, accelerates decision-making, and ensures a smooth and efficient delivery pipeline.

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Customizable Dashboard

The customizable dashboard feature allows users to create personalized views of their software delivery pipeline and related metrics.

See Customizable Dashboard

Work Items

Help teams track and manage their development tasks effectively.

Learm more about work items


Ensure timely communication, facilitate collaboration, and keep all stakeholders informed.

Project insights

Gain valuable visibility, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

These extensibility options empower users to tailor FlexDeploy to their specific needs, integrate with a wide range of systems and tools, and automate complex processes within their software delivery pipelines.

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FlexDeploy offers a wide range of pre-built plugins for popular business systems like Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, and extensive OOTB DevOps Toolchain integrations. These plugins and integrations enable seamless integration and automation across various stages of the software delivery pipeline.

See Plugins

Custom Actions

Custom Actions in FlexDeploy enable users to automate specific tasks or implement custom logic within their software delivery workflows.

User Interface Extensions

These UI extensions enables users to tailor the FlexDeploy experience, streamline workflows, and improve usability.

Groovy Scripting

Groovy scripting is a powerful feature in FlexDeploy that allows users to extend the functionality and customize their CI/CD workflows.

Webhooks and REST APIs

These features allow users to interact with FlexDeploy programmatically and perform various actions, such as triggering builds, deploying applications, retrieving status, etc.

Event Hooks

FlexDeploy supports event hooks, allowing users to trigger specific actions or workflows based on events occuring within your software delivery lifecycle.

FlexDeploy's automation plugins for a wide range of enterprise technologies and platforms make it a versatile DevOps solution that can be tailored to fit specific organizational requirements and technology stacks. This includes traditional database, middleware, applications and cloud applications, and infrastructure services. Its robust integration capabilities ensure seamless automation and efficient software delivery processes.


FlexDeploy’s deep integration with various Oracle technologies empowers organizations to automate and accelerate software delivery, reduce errors, and improve efficiency. Teams can achieve faster, more reliable deployments and steamline their DevOps practices in Oracle environments.

See Oracle Solutions


FlexDeploy rovides a robust solution for migrating SAP change requests (transport requests) and comes with full stack of CI/CD, DevOps features, and built-in integrations with many systems and third-party tools.

See SAP Solutions


FlexDeploy for Salesforce technologies establishes an automated and repeatable process for building, packaging, and safely deploying code, APIs, and meta-data changes from development through test to production environments.

See Salesforce Solutions
"I can’t imagine going back to a life before FlexDeploy. From day-to-day tasks or periodic upgrades, FlexDeploy allows us to meet aggressive timelines confidently."

— Senior systems engineer, uber

Downloadable FlexDeploy Data Sheet

FlexDeploy — one platform to integrate it all

As a comprehensive DevOps automation platform, FlexDeploy is unique in its ability to integrate open systems and business systems, its out-of-box plugins and integrations, making it easy to get started quickly, while its extensibility, automation, and customization capabilities allow you to tailor it to your specific needs.

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Make the complex simple

Turn to FlexDeploy to deliver an integrated and extensible DevOps platform.
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