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FlexDeploy 2.1 Released – Oracle Cloud, Built-in CI, Dashboards, and more!

We are happy to announce the availability of FlexDeploy 2.1, extending an already robust DevOps solution for automating the build, deploy, test, and release lifecycle for Oracle and non-Oracle software.  This new release offers additional features which help speed the delivery of high quality software, including Cloud, Continuous Integration, and Dashboards.  
FlexDeploy 2.1 Summary of Enhancements
  • Supports FlexDeploy running on the Oracle Java Cloud Service
  • Perform Build, Deploy, and Test operations to Oracle Java & Database Cloud Services
  • Oracle Java Cloud Service Plugin provides flexible management of capacity
  • Built-in Continuous Integration Server eliminates requirement for 3rd party CI Server
  • Plugin for Groovy, a popular Java scripting language
  • Dashboards for enhanced visualization of real time and historical information
  • Improved User Experience (UX)

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