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Automate Deployments to Tomcat using FlexDeploy

Apache Tomcat is very popular open source application server and is widely used. FlexDeploy provides rich plugin for Tomcat application deployments and also supports start & stop operation on Tomcat server.

Apache Tomcat has Manager application which allows for various deployment operations. But in many cases Manager application may be disabled or not available. FlexDeploy supports automated deployments with and without Manager application.

FlexDeploy has concept of Workflow to allow for visually creating build or deployment steps. Here is an example of Tomcat application deployment workflow which includes Stop of Tomcat Server, then deployment of WAR application and then Start of Tomcat Server. This is just an example and FlexDeploy customers are free to configure any number of steps as appropriate.

Now let’s look at Topology configuration for Development environment for Tomcat. FlexDeploy automatically provides property forms for Tomcat once FlexDeploy instance is configured (Tomcat in this case). Administrators will configure various values. In this example, I have not filled in Manager URL, hence Tomcat plugin will automatically take alternate approach for deployment. Note configuration of Tomcat server endpoint as well here.

We did not talk about Build workflow here, but FlexDeploy would be configured with Build workflow that will help build WAR file using source code from SCM. FlexDeploy project (in this case PetClinic) is configured with Build and Deploy workflows.

User Experience for FlexDeploy users is consistent even when using projects of different technologies. Workflow hides all the complexities and users are just working with high level Build and Deploy operations. Here is an example of Tomcat deploy workflow execution.

You can also look at all the logs from plugin execution if necessary.

Download FlexDeploy Community Edition to try all these features.

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