Topic: Build & Deploy
How to Automate Siebel Deployments with FlexDeploy
The migration of Siebel repository objects can be a time-consuming and manual process. This process involves manually creating and maintaining…
PeopleSoft Release Automation with Approvals and Notifications
This is the final bog in our series on what makes FlexDeploy a great fit for PeopleSoft. In previous blogs…
Continuous Integration and Deployment for Salesforce
Salesforce continues to be at the core of business operations for companies large and small around the world. It is…
Deploy PeopleSoft Customizations: SQR and Other Files
In the second blog in our series, we looked at how to deploy PeopleSoft projects developed using PeopleSoft Application Designer….
How to Reduce Deployment Time by 60x [with Case Study]
Developers grumble: “I’m doing slow, painfully tedious manual tasks everyday and getting called at all hours. So much needs to…
DevOps for PeopleSoft
FlexDeploy is an Enterprise DevOps platform for CI/CD with out-of-the-box support for Oracle PeopleSoft. Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, users develop…