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Topic: Build & Deploy

Deploying Siebel with FlexDeploy

How to Automate Siebel Deployments with FlexDeploy

The migration of Siebel repository objects can be a time-consuming and manual process. This process involves manually creating and maintaining…

PeopleSoft Release Automation with Approvals and Notifications

This is the final bog in our series on what makes FlexDeploy a great fit for PeopleSoft. In previous blogs…

Developing on a Computer

Continuous Integration and Deployment for Salesforce

Salesforce continues to be at the core of business operations for companies large and small around the world. It is…

Deploy PeopleSoft Customizations: SQR and Other Files

In the second blog in our series, we looked at how to deploy PeopleSoft projects developed using PeopleSoft Application Designer….

Chairs at a desk with computer

How to Reduce Deployment Time by 60x [with Case Study]

Developers grumble: “I’m doing slow, painfully tedious manual tasks everyday and getting called at all hours. So much needs to…

DevOps for PeopleSoft

FlexDeploy is an Enterprise DevOps platform for CI/CD with out-of-the-box support for Oracle PeopleSoft. Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, users develop…

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