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2023 State of CI/CD

Best Practices Adoption

An Integrated CI/CD Toolchain to Support Continuous DevOps Improvements

Globally, IT teams are turning to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) best practices to excel in a complex business and technological environment. Organizations that have adopted continuous practices benefit from decreased spending, decreased downtime, and a better ability to keep up with the pace of business.

That said, adoption of CI/CD best practices is happening at varying rates due to the complexities of the modern IT environment. Teams are struggling with:

  • A tumultuous economic climate and challenging employment trends
  • Digital transformation requirements that create a heightened rate of delivery demands
  • An inundation of tooling options, each designed to fix very specific problems

As we enter into 2023, where are companies currently on their CI/CD journey, where are they struggling, and how does your organization compare?

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