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7 Arguments Against DevOps

Is DevOps a Bad Idea?

Countless articles and blogs boast the many benefits of automating changes and processes through DevOps. However, adopting automation and full Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery can be an intimidating transition for organizations. Some IT leaders are hesitant to pull the trigger and make the switch. Thus, arguments against DevOps arise.

If you’re a member of the IT team, working in the trenches of development and deployment every day, you may have proposed the adoption of DevOps processes and tooling to your manager, supervisor, or organizational executives. You might hear excuses as to why DevOps isn’t going to work.

Here are some of the arguments against DevOps you may have heard, and ideas to help reframe the discussion:

“It’s for startups, not enterprises.”

Is this an excuse to avoid evolving archaic systems and outdated processes? Chances are, larger organizations benefit from DevOps even more than smaller startups. The size of an enterprise usually correlates directly to the number of changes it makes. More changes = more automation = fewer manual tasks = more time for impactful activities.

“Automation causes errors.”

Yes, if left unmanaged and poorly implemented, automation has the ability to snowball with errors. However, with best practices, the opposite is true. DevOps can drastically decrease the number and severity of errors. Automation eliminates human error and Continuous Delivery makes little changes more frequently so large amounts of code and other changes are not being implemented in one huge bundle. This means that when an error occurs, the source can easily be identified. Any errors that do occur can be quickly corrected.

“Developers and Operations can’t get along.”

It’s undeniable that these two groups aren’t natural teammates. Time constraints and quality standards have led to hostility between these two. However, DevOps is mutually beneficial for both Dev and Ops. Thanks to automation and the elimination of manual tasks, developers can put their time and effort into their favorite thing: developing. Operations can enjoy well written, performant, and secure code and a better final product.

Yes, the initial step of coordinating these two groups may be rocky. But, after both taste some of the benefits, the animosity will lighten, and a more collaborative environment will develop. After all, DevOps is more about the community benefits than the individual processes.

“Legacy tools and silos work.”

True, they can work, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way. The fastest moving companies are constantly innovating and improving their processes. Adopting DevOps processes and tooling can put you ahead of your competitors.

An important aspect of DevOps is automation, eliminating your manual task and giving your team more time to make ground-breaking changes, improve customer experience, and increase the bottom line. It’s critical to be evolving and improving at all times.

You don’t have to give up your legacy technology. Bring it with you! And integrate it into your DevOps platform.

“DevOps is just a buzzword and is too polarizing.”

DevOps is one of the latest buzzwords in the IT world. It seems like everyone either loves or hates it, and that’s probably the case with your team. But buzz isn’t generated about nothing. There’s a reason people are talking about DevOps. Large and small organizations are reaping the benefits of results they could never have achieved with their previous systems.

“It’s too expensive.”

This all depends on your perspective. Are you looking at just the cost of the DevOps platform and switching over your technologies? Then, yes, there is a cost. But the cost must be weighed against all the benefits your organization will experience.

By eliminating manual tasks and streamlining the development process, developers can accomplish more and work on innovations to improve the customer experience. Customers have better interactions with your company, so they tell their peers and acquaintances.

These are just two ways your benefits will outweigh the costs. Consider all the positive effects your team could experience and assign a monetary number. DevOps is worth it.

What arguments against DevOps have you heard?

How would you respond to these retorts? Have you heard any other arguments against DevOps? Do you have any other reasons for not implementing DevOps? Please leave all your thoughts in the comments!

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