Tag: Test Automation
How to Achieve Effective Software Delivery with Test Automation
Many software releases lack adequate testing. As a result, applications fail to live up to quality standards. Testing is often…
Ensure High-Quality Salesforce Delivery with Selenium Test Automation
In this blog article, we will discuss FlexDeploy’s integration with Selenium for Salesforce test automation. Selenium is one of the…
What’s New in FlexDeploy 6.0
FlexDeploy provides speed, consistency, and visibility into effectively managing the development and delivery for all enterprise software platform technologies, increasing…
FlexDeploy 6.0: Test Automation
Are you able to build fast, test fast, and fail fast? Achieving speed within the software delivery process requires end-to-end…
Salesforce Apex Unit Testing with FlexDeploy
Testing is a critical component of a successful, long-term development process for Salesforce. Apex supports the creation and execution of…
Analyze a Salesforce Code Base Using PMD as Part of the CI/CD Process
FlexDeploy’s s rich DevOps features, flexibility in controlling release automation, and integrated Salesforce support provide a highly efficient solution for…