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Topic (old): Git and Version Control

Mastering Source Control: Streamlining Functional Setup Data Sync with FlexDeploy and Git Integration in Oracle FSM

Effective source control management (SCM) is pivotal in ensuring the seamless tracking and management of functional setup data. In this…

DevOps for Oracle EBS: Workflows Tips

Companies using Oracle EBS face difficulties when they want to upgrade, migrate, or make other changes. These procedures often involve…

DevOps for Oracle EBS Tips: Discover and Package

The complexity of Oracle EBS makes it hard to automate. However, having to transfer and update data and customizations by…

DevOps to the Cloud Best Practices

DevOps Best Practices for Oracle Cloud Migration

It’s now common for enterprises to move software to the cloud as part of their digital transformation. Upgrading from traditional,…

Setup GIT Integrations in FlexDeploy using REST API

FlexDeploy has various REST API that can be used for many useful purposes. For example, you can create Topology configurations…

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