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Topic: Cloud Technologies


In order to improve the speed, quality, and cost of delivering software, Charter Manufacturing leaned on FlexDeploy.

Azure Git Repositories

Using Azure Git Repositories with FlexDeploy Blueprints

FlexDeploy allows you to search and select your Azure repos in Blueprints. FlexDeploy uses your Azure DevOps Username and personal…

Deploying to Oracle Kubernetes Engine with FlexDeploy

In a previous post I demonstrated how to quickly get a FlexDeploy installation up and running with Oracle Kubernetes Engine….

K8s and FlexDeploy

K8s and FlexDeploy – Deployment Strategies and More

With the release of FlexDeploy 5.2, we now have the ability to automate K8s Deployment Strategies as well as more…

K8s Deployment Strategies

Kubernetes (K8) Deployment Strategy – BlueGreen to A/B

We’ve all been there. An update is rolling out, all pre-flight checks are green, and yet everything falls apart after…

What the Dock is Docker?

What the Dock is Docker: A Simplified Explanation of Containers and Docker

The Problem “Did you get the application I sent you?” “Yeah, it doesn’t work.” “It runs fine on my machine.”…

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