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FlexDeploy has been Released

FlexDeploy has been released and includes enhancements, usability improvements, and bug fixes. Here are a few highlights:

  • Salesforce improvements for adding Unit Test columns on Project Packages tab
  • New plugin for the RPA tool Automation Anywhere
  • New blueprint for Oracle BI and enhancements to blueprints for Oracle Integration Cloud and Java
  • UX improvements for viewing commit level detail on View Snapshots screen
  • UX improvements for Package screen navigation
  • Ability to add files to partial deploy packages from SCM change logs
  • Plugin updates for Git, JDBC, Oracle API, Oracle EBS, Oracle Integration Cloud, Perforce, PowerShell, REST, SonarQube, Subversion, Unix Shell, Windows Shell and Salesforce
  • Enhancements to integration capabilities within Webhooks and REST APIs

Please see the Release Notes for additional detail.

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