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Webinar Recap: How We Use FlexDeploy at Flexagon

The following is a summary of the information covered in the webinar: How We Use FlexDeploy at Flexagon, which can be accessed here.

About Flexagon and FlexDeploy

At Flexagon, we focus on and specialize in continuous delivery and release automation software. FlexDeploy is our DevOps platform with automation across the entire lifecycle: build, deploy, and release. In addition to being comprehensive, it is integrated with over 100 tools and technologies, both open source and commercial.

FlexDeploy's Pre-Built Integrations and Plugins

Using FlexDeploy at Flexagon

At Flexagon, in addition to FlexDeploy, we have a variety of technologies in our tool chain, including: Git/Bitbucket, Jira, Dropbox, Microsoft Teams, Apache Tomcat, SoapUI, Docker, and Oracle WebLogic.

In this webinar, Erick Jones, a founder of and principal architect at Flexagon, breaks down how we use each of these tools in our delivery lifecycle.

Our goal is to automate our pipeline (Dev, QA, and Release) to save both time and money,  and ultimately deliver enhancements, updates, and new features to our customer faster. With FlexDeploy, we integrate often so any failures can be quickly found and resolved. FlexDeploy’s integration with these tools enables an efficient and effective SDLC.

Benefits with FlexDeploy

With FlexDeploy, we are able to:

  • Integrate continuously on commit
  • Execute multi-platform build and deployment
  • Automate the test suite
  • Find and resolve failures quickly
  • Reduce manual work
  • Deliver quality releases faster
  • Achieve automated and repeatable packaging
  • Decrease costs

Drinking Our Champagne

We use FlexDeploy because we love it! We’re confident it can help you, too. If you’d like to see for yourself, we’d be happy to run through a tailored demo.

Watch the Full Webinar

For complete details and more about why and how Flexagon uses FlexDeploy, watch the full on-demand webinar for free!

Watch the Recording

Want to keep learning? Check out our other on-demand and upcoming webinars.

Please comment or contact [email protected] with any questions or if you are interested in getting hands-on with FlexDeploy.



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